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Yuan Pang: New Challenges for China-U.S. Relations

The “2011 Forum on China Diplomacy Review and Future Outlook” was held on December 18, 2011, in Beijing. Yuan Pang, the director of the American Studies Institute of the China Institute of Contemporary International Relations, discussed the new challenges that China-U.S. relations presently face. Yuan listed four challenges: 1) The biggest challenge is that the foundation for long-term cooperation between China and the U.S. is shaky. After the killing of bin-Laden and the U.S. withdrawal of its troops (from Iraq), will anti-terrorism continue to be a cooperative strategy? As the complementary relationship of the economy and trade between China and the U.S. gradually manifests more friction and conflict, will cooperation in the areas of the economy and trade continue to support China-U.S. relations? These two foundations face challenges. 2) The second area for challenges is the change in the international environment, namely in our neighborhood, where the U.S. is making use of those countries that have territorial conflicts with China. 3) Third is that Russia, as our strategic partner in the past, is expecting China to come to the front line. 4) The last one is that the strategic view has changed. In Deng’s era, China’s strategy was to learn from the U.S. in technology and absorb capital. After Deng, the strategy has become fighting and cooperation at the same time. What is the direction China should take right now? It is not clear.

Source:, December 19, 2011

China to Procure Foreign Experts to Develop Emerging Technologies and Industries

Zhang Jianguo, China’s Vice Minister of Human Resources and Social Security, spoke at the 14th Expo for Chinese Overseas Experts, which was held in Guangzhou. He indicated that over the next 10 years, China plans to bring in an average of 50 to 100 experts per year for a total of 500 to 1,000 foreign experts. The priority is to bring in strategic scientists, leading technology experts, and international innovative teams that can make breakthroughs in critical technologies, develop high tech and emerging industries, and bring about new disciplines in science.

Source: Xinhua, December 20, 2011

China Press in the U.S. Urges China to Use “Soft Checks and Balances” to Deal with the U.S.

Xiao Dong, the chief editor of China Press, a U.S. based Chinese language newspaper, contributed a special article to People’s Daily. In the article, Xiao wrote that China should use “soft checks and balances” to deal with the U.S. “soft containment” of China which appeared as a recent adjustment to its strategy in the Pacific region. “Soft checks and balances include constraining the U.S. through international organizations, deterring the U.S. through economic means, restricting its freedom through diplomatic measures, and using ingenuity to lead the U.S. strategy toward failure. … Soft power is a capability while soft checks and balances are a means.” Specifically, “China should fully utilize the existing dialogue mechanism to resolve conflicts and seek a win-win situation; fully utilize the framework of international institutions and organizations, particularly those China can effectively influence; and fully use diplomatic means of all kinds to reduce the pressure.”

According to the U.S. based Jamestown Foundation, “China Press is directly controlled by the Chinese government. The paper is characterized by its substantial and timely news reports from Mainland China. It represents the voice and views of China’s Communist government.”

People’s Daily, December 21, 2011
Jamestown Foundation, “How China’s Government Is Attempting to Control Chinese Media in America”

Xinhua: Properly Guiding Public Opinion

Recently, Xinhua released a series of products and services at designed to monitor and lead public opinion. According to Duan Saimin, the chief of the Xinhua public opinion center, when public opinion is properly guided, it will be conducive to the resolution of problems and can promote social stability and harmony. Otherwise, conflicts and problems will be amplified and affect local social stability and harmony. He acknowledged that few people in the local governments have recognized and understood the mechanism of public opinion. “They lack experience in responding to public opinion and some lack complete emergency procedures; … ultimately the conflicts and problems (that came up in the past) were amplified through the Internet, thus damaging the image of the government and enterprises, and causing irreparable harm.” According to Duan, since 2003, Xinhua has routinely provided public opinion reports to Communist Party leaders. Currently it has a team of over 100 public opinion analysts.

Source: Xinhua, December 20, 2011

Qiushi Reemphasizes: No Religious Beliefs for Party Members

In a high profile article published on Qiushi, the Chinese Communist Party’s flagship publication, Zhu Weiqun, the CCP’s deputy chief of the Department of Organization, proclaimed that a Party member must not have religious beliefs.

Zhu said, “At present there is a noteworthy phenomenon: there is a rising trend among Communist Party members of participating in religious activities and establishing close personal relationships with religious leaders. Some Party members have become de facto religious followers.” “If a Party member believes in a religion, he is bound to become the spokesperson for a certain religious force. In some regions, religious believers may administer the Party’s religious work and may make use of government resources to foster religious fervor.”

He added, “While domestic and foreign hostile forces have tried to use religion to engage in separatist activities in some ethnic minority areas, allowing religious beliefs for Party members will greatly weaken the Party’s combat strength in the struggle against separatism.” “Allowing religious beliefs for Party members will debilitate the Party in ideology and organization, causing the Party to degenerate from a Marxist political party into a non-Marxist political party.”

He suggested that “If a Party member is actively involved in religious life and missionary work, even using the identity of Party member to protect and promote illegal religious activities, the Party organizations should take timely measures to remove him from the Party,.”

Source: Qiushi, December 15, 2011

Chinese Navy Is Speeding Up Its Transformation in Preparation for a Future War

Xinhua reported that the Chinese Navy is speeding up its transformation in preparation for a future war. On December 6, 2011, Chinese President Hu Jintao met the delegate attending the 11th Naval CCP Congress and stressed speeding up the transformation of the Navy, expanding the Navy’s preparation for military actions, and promoting the modernization of the Chinese Navy. The article pointed out that “for a big country like China, it’s very unlikely to have a war in the air or on the land in its own territory. If China will ever encounter an exterior military conflict, the mostly likely place for it to happen will be on the sea surrounding China, in the Asian-Pacific region.”

The article further emphasized that [China] is confident it will win a regional war on the sea. Over the last decade, the Chinese Navy has been improving its comprehensive power in various ways. Each step of its development has been aimed at a very clear target, that is, to win a future regional war on the sea.

Source: Xinhua, December 19, 2011

Why Do Multinational Companies Become Corrupt in China?

Study Times published an article, on December 19, 2011, titled “Why Do Multinational Companies Become Corrupt in China?” Based on the analysis in the article, the reasons why multinational companies openly cheat Chinese consumers are 1) Incomplete laws; 2) Rampant corruption in China’s own business sector, including a variety means of unethical competition, dishonesty everywhere, product innovation not being respected and protected, and no one taking social responsibility; 3) Local governments tolerate multinational companies’ evil dongs in order to attract more foreign investments and be assured of a higher GDP; 4) Consumers feel helpless since they cannot find better products in domestic companies and they have difficulty taking group action against those corrupt multinational companies.

Source: Study Times, December 19, 2011

Study Times: The Foundation for China’s Revival Is Socialist Ideology

On December 19, 2011, Study Times, the publication of the Party School of the Central Committee of the CCP, published an article affirming that “the foundation for China’s revival is socialist ideology.” According to the article, capitalist countries use the principle of "human rights above sovereignty" as an excuse to plunder global resources. Different from “free capitalism,” the core principle of socialism is “fairness.” Socialist ideology is what justifies the ruling status of the Chinese Communist Party. The article proudly concludes that the successful practice of socialism in China for over 30 years proves that socialist ideology is becoming the trend for the development of human civilization.

Source: Study Times, December 19, 2011