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Justice: U.S. Lawyers, Chinese Lawyers, and Student in Turkey Asked China for Compensation

More and more people started looking at lawsuit options to hold the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) accountable for the worldwide outbreak of the Novel Coronavirus.

  • Lawyer Larry Klayman and his group Freedom Watch filed a complaint in federal court in Texas seeking at least $20 trillion from the Chinese government because of its “callous and reckless indifference and malicious acts.” The complaint states, “Although it appears that the COVID-19 virus was released at an unplanned, unexpected time, it was prepared and stockpiled as a biological weapon to be used against China’s perceived enemies, including but not limited to the people of the United States.” The lawsuit was filed on behalf of Klayman, Freedom Watch, and Buzz Photos, a Texas company that specializes in high school sports photography.
  • Some Chinese lawyers formed a volunteer group, the “Legal Advisory Panel on Novel Coronavirus Claims.” It provides legal support to patients and their relatives and even a free service for typical cases. They suggested that the CCP regime should provide compensation for all human rights violations, including patients, relatives of the dead, and minors whose parents passed away.
  • On March 18, a 22-year old Turkish student Cagatay Orkun Celikbas wrote to the Chinese Embassy in Turkey to request compensation for his monetary loss and mental stress, including rent, counseling, and related education expenses incurred during the period that his college closed.

Related postings on Chinascope:

1. Source: CBS, March 19, 2020

2. Excerpt in Chinese:






Source: Radio Free Asia, March 24, 2020

3. Excerpt in Chinese:

22歲的切利克巴什(Cagatay Orkun Celikbas)就讀土耳其西北部艾斯基瑟希(Eskisehir)的國立安納杜魯大學(Anadolu University)傳播設計與管理系大四,本來計劃今夏畢業後應徵電視台記者工作,準備邁出的人生新階段現在卻被武漢肺炎疫情徹底打亂。





Source: Apple Daily, March 24, 2020