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Justice: International Experts Suggested Six Legal Grounds to Sue CCP

More and more voices have expressed an interest in holding the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) accountable for the worldwide outbreak of the Novel Coronavirus. Epoch Times summarized six legal grounds that international legal experts have suggested for nations or individuals to use to file lawsuits against the CCP.

1. Comparing it to a Terrorist Organization

Israeli attorney Nitsana Darshan-Leitner who has long been suing terrorist organizations and countries supporting terrorism, suggested that people could raise the point that the CCP’s action was like supporting terrorist actions.

2. Suing for Personal Injury, Death, and Other Causes of Action

Berman Law Group in Florida filed a lawsuit on March 19, accusing the CCP of failing to report the disease and also failing to take containment measures promptly.

3. International Trade Laws

Juliya Arbisman from Diamond McCarthy LLP, a law firm in New York, suggested international trade laws. For example, people can sue the CCP for hosting the illegal wild animal market that created the opportunity to spread the virus from animals to humans, based on the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES ).

4. United Nations (UN) Charter

Ivana Stradner, an international law and national security expert at American Enterprise Institute (AEI), pointed out that the CCP violated the International Health Regulations (IHR) that requires its member countries to notify the World Health Organization (WHO) immediately about an emergency public health event that might cause international attention. She also said the CCP’s action violated Article Seven of the UN Charter, which authorizes the UN Security Council to take action to maintain or restore international peace and safety.

5. Biological Weapons Convention

David Matas, a Canadian human rights attorney said that Article One of the treaty is that any signing country, under no circumstance, can obtain or possess a biological weapon.

6. International Obligations and Customary International Law

Israel lawyer Nitsana Darshan-Leitner thinks that the CCP’s accusation that U.S. soldiers brought the virus to Wuhan severely violated international obligations and customary international law. People can file lawsuit at the International Court of Justice.

Related posting on Chinascope:

Excerpt in Chinese:


1. 以色列律师:比照恐怖组织 控告中共

长期致力于起诉“恐怖组织和支持恐怖主义国家”的以色列律师尼特萨娜·达尔尚-莱特纳(Nitsana Darshan-Leitner)告诉福克斯新闻,虽然各国政府都具有豁免权,但是“人们可以提出这样的主张,就像支持恐怖主义的论点(法律上可对此采取行动)一样”。

2. 佛州法律团体已对中共提起集体诉讼

诉讼已经开始。星期四(3月19日),佛罗里达州的伯曼法律集团(Berman Law Group)对中共政权提出了集体诉讼,控告其没有通报该疾病以及迅速采取遏制措施,从而制造了“巨型培养皿”。


3. 纽约国际法专家:可引用国际贸易法(如CITES)控告中共

位于纽约的戴蒙·麦卡锡律师事务所(Diamond McCarthy)国际争端专家兼合伙人朱利娅·阿比斯曼(Juliya Arbisman)指出,根据国际法尤其是贸易法的规定,国与国之间或者个人投资者要求某国赔偿的诉讼具有广泛的可能性。



4. 中共隐匿疫情 国安专家:控告中共违反国际卫生条例或联合国宪章

美国企业协会(AEI)国际法和国家安全专家伊凡娜·斯特拉德纳(Ivana Stradner)指出,《国际卫生条例》(IHR)要求成员国将可能构成“国际关注的突发公共卫生事件”立即通知世界卫生组织(WHO),中共延迟通报疫情违反了IHR。


5. 加拿大人权律师:中共或涉违反禁止生物武器公约

加拿大国际人权律师大卫·麦塔斯(David Matas)说,中共必须遵守《禁止生物武器公约》(Biological Weapons Convention)。



6. 中共高级官员涉传假消息 侓师:可将之告到国际法院




Source: Epoch Times, March 22, 2020