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World against the CCP: China Became the Target at the World Health Assembly

An article from Radio Free Asia stated that Beijing was isolated at the World Health Assembly (WHA) that was held on May 18 and 19, 2020. It mentioned several points:

1. A proposal, initiated by Australia, drafted by the European Union, and signed by 122 countries including Russia, Japan, and Nigeria requested an “independent investigation” into the origin and spread of the novel coronavirus. All 194 member countries, including China, voted yes and passed the resolution. The article commented that the reason the Beijing supported the resolution was that it changed its strategy after failing in a direct confrontation against the world. It will now join the investigation team, with the hope to alienate and instigate member countries and to muddle the investigation by changing the investigation site, the objectives, and the methods, to get itself out of having any accountability.

2. Xi Jinping promised to donate 2 billion dollars to the World Health Organization (WHO) in the next two years. John Ullyot, the Spokesperson for the White House National Security Council, said in a statement that China’s commitment “is a token to distract from calls from a growing number of nations demanding accountability for the Chinese government’s failure to meet its obligations.”

3. The article also stated that, despite the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP’s) global propaganda campaign, it has ended up being in a worsened situation of isolation. It mentioned a few things that the CCP didn’t anticipate:

  • The entire world, including countries that used to have a good relationship with Beijing, aligned with the U.S. (against the CCP) as one side.
  • Russia joined the alliance despite China’s offer of substantial financial support to Russia when it was boycotted by the U.S. and Europe.
  • African countries, who used to be the CCP’s good friends, jumped uniformly to the opposite side, with Nigeria being the leader and demanding 200 billion dollars in compensation. The African League also asked for compensation.
  • WHO Director-General Tedros had a dramatic change. He supported the “investigation” request and even proactively requested a review of whether to invite Taiwan to attend the assembly.

Related postings on Chinascope:

Excerpt in Chinese:







白宫国家安全委员会发言人约翰·尤利奥特(John Ullyot)周一在一份声明中回应说,中方承诺注资20亿美元“是一个象征(令牌,token),旨在转移注意力,越来越多的国家呼吁——要求中国政府对其未履行义务承担责任”,因为中共没有“说实话并警告世界即将发生的疫情”。



  1. 世界各国一边倒的站在了美国一边,包括以前关系不错的国家。这是令官方和吃瓜群众都意想不到的事情。
  2. 俄罗斯竟然早早就加入到这个阵营中来,这是令中国高层感到吃惊的事情。毕竟中国在俄罗斯遭到美欧经济制裁濒临崩溃时,是中国拉他们一把,签订了106美元一桶的大单,并提前付款,可以说这笔大单占了俄罗斯当年整个GDP相当重的比例份额。
  3. 中国周边国家一律站到了中国的对立面上去。日本、韩国、印度、土耳其、马来西亚、乌克兰、白俄罗斯、新西兰、澳大利亚等,这是很多人没有想到的事情。
  4. 美国居然没有站出来挑大梁,而是退居幕後。相反加拿大的总理特鲁多却强硬批评中国:“我认为,很明显,围绕新冠疫情的起源和早期行为,各国有很多问题,尤其是中国”。(他派来中国拉医疗货物的大飞机白跑一趟,空载而归让他颇多恼火。)
  5. 没想到非洲的穷哥们本来都是中国的好朋友,不想这次却是集体反水。尼日利亚成了带头大哥,第一个向中国递交追责索赔的国家就是尼日利亚, 而且是狮子大开口,一下就要索赔2000亿美元。非盟也是加入索赔队伍里的急先锋,真是令人头疼,看来用金钱买来的友谊靠不住。
  6. 更没想到的是世卫组织总干事谭德赛同志竟然急速转弯,也站在了那些要求调查病毒源头的一边。更让人想不到的是,他现在竟然主动地要求研究台湾出席世卫大会事宜。譚書記成為强国心口永远的痛!
  7. 欧盟向世卫组织提案,对病源展开独立调查。这也是继澳大利亚之后又一国家联盟发出的独立调查请求,拥有27个国家的欧盟在世界上話語權僅次於美國,難於置若罔聞。整个非洲联盟及其成员国也不甘落後,早已加入。

Source: Radio Free Asia, May 20, 2020