Well-known Chinese news site Sina recently reported that the U.S. Trade Representative’s Office (USTR) once again put the Chinese online trade platform Alibaba on the annual “Notorious Markets” list. Alibaba was listed on the same blacklist four years ago. Alibaba Group President Michael Evans expressed his disappointment after USTR’s announcement. Alibaba complaint that the huge effort the company put in to battle counterfeits was ignored. However, USTR explained that the percentage of the counterfeit products sold on Alibaba’s platform is still too high. In this latest “Notorious Markets” list, four Chinese online markets and six physical markets were included. Alibaba is currently working with famous global labels such as Apple, Burberry, LV, Cartier, and Nike to fight the fake products. This program now includes 18,000 international brands. Alibaba hinted that the recent move by USTR might have something to do with the “new U.S. domestic political atmosphere. “
Source: Sina, December 22, 2016