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Huawei: We Plan to Surpass Apple and Samsung to Be the World’s Number One

Well-known Chinese news site Sina recently reported that China’s largest smart phone manufacturer, Huawei, planned to sell more smart phones than both Apple and Samsung by targeting the markets of advanced countries, including the U.S. Huawei’s consumer product CEO Yu Chengdong suggested in a press interview that Huawei will shift its focus to advanced countries from developing countries to take advantage of better consumer purchasing power and better profit margins. He further commented that Huawei is very good at innovation, based on which Huawei can expand its market share to be a global winner. Research showed that Huawei is currently the world’s third largest smart phone vendor, holding 10 percent of the global market. Samsung has 22 percent and Apple has 15 percent of the global smart phone market share. In recent years, Huawei performed poorly in critical markets like India and Indonesia. It is currently focusing on the Japanese and European markets.

Source: Sina, July 28, 2017