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The Paper: India Started Charging China Anti-Dumping Duties in 93 Categories

The well-known new Chinese news site The Paper recently reported that the Indian government started charging anti-dumping duties in 93 categories of products imported from China. The decision was made after key players in the Indian tire industry met with government officials. The 93 categories include products in a wide range of industries such as chemical and petrochemical, steel and other metal products, fiber and yarn, mechanical products, rubber or plastic products, power electronics and different types of consumer goods. India also launched an anti-dumping investigation in July on photovoltaic cells and modules from China, Taiwan, and Malaysia. India currently has a US$51 billion trade deficit with China. Indian media have been complaining about cheap Chinese products filling up the Indian market. However, reports from India’s own market study agencies showed that Indian consumers have preferred affordable Chinese products that typically are of better quality that India’s similar ones. According to the Chinese Ministry of Commerce, in the first half of this year, India became the country that had the largest number of anti-dumping investigations against China.

Source: The Paper, August 11, 2017