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Mingbao: “Xi Jinping Thought” to be written into Party’s Constitution

According to an article that Hong Kong Mingbao published, it was decided during a recent Central Politburo meeting that, at the upcoming 19th National Congress, the party’s constitution will be revised and amended to include Xi Jinping thought. Following Mao Zedong and Deng Xiaoping, Xi will become the third Chinese party leader who will have his thoughts written into the party’s constitution. The article reported the source as saying that Xi’s speech to the provincial level party leaders on July 26 will be the basis for his report at the 19th National Congress. His speech on July 26 can be summarized as follows: “in order to gain control in the fast paced era and to win during the new and grand battle, we must adhere to the basic principles of Marxism; we must apply a broader perspective and more long-term vision to think about and grasp the future development of the country when dealing with a series of major strategic issues; we must continue to expand new horizons and come up with a new theoretical understanding.”

Source: Mingbao, September 19, 2017