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Party Criticized for Forcing Students to Memorize “Core Socialist Values”

Epoch Times recently reported that the students, including elementary and kindergartner students, in China are required to memorize the “core socialist values” which consist of 12 values in 24 Chinese characters. They were introduced during 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China in 2012. Whether the students are able to memorize the characters has become one of the measures for whether a city qualifies for a “civilized city” award. According to the article, the officials from local school districts in Shanghai, Shanxi, Hubei, Jiangsu, and Yunnan provinces visit the school or call students at home to conduct random tests on students. The reporter, in conducting phone interviews with some students and parents in China, was told that the students do not totally understand what it means but they must memorize the words. One parent told Epoch Times that it was brainwashing and that the party was using it to shift people’s attention away from other social issues. Another parent said it was ironic that the students were taught to mix the concept of “Party,” “Country,” and “People” together at a very young age. A China expert told Epoch Times that this type of “one party propaganda” is unprecedented in Chinese history, which has traditional values that focus on loyalty, benevolence, filialness, and justice. The party’s Publicity, Education, and Culture Department has completely destroyed humanity and China’s traditional values. Since 1949, the brainwashing has never stopped,” The article also listed online comments which criticize the practice of forcing students to memorize “core socialist values.”

Source: Epoch Times, September 22, 2017