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Xinhua: China Withstood Pressure to Mediate Syria Crisis

A Xinhua article reported on the recent visit of Chinese Vice-Minister of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Zhai Jun  to Syria and on China’s position on the Syria issue.

The article declared that China is a responsible peace mediator in Syria. China is not like the Western countries, which “support one side while attacking the other side.” Zhai visited both the current top government officials of Syria, including the president and the foreign minister, and the leaders of opposing factions.

As for what China will do if the UN votes again on a resolution on the Syria issue, Qu Xin, the Director of the China Institute of International Studies, said, “As a permanent member of the United Nations (UN) Security Council, China needs to take a clear stand on the Syria issue. In the next step, China will continue to promote a dialogue among the differing factions in Syria. ‘The UN cannot become a voting machine for launching another war.’ China opposes using exterior armed forces to interfere with the ‘change of power’ in a country.”
Source: Xinhua, February 24, 2012