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“World Leader”: Experts: Other Countries Cannot Adopt China’s Epidemic Control Model

The BBC published an article in which experts stated that they do not see China’s model to control and prevent coronavirus fit for other countries, because the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP’s) actions violated human rights significantly and also had an economic and social impact.

Freddie Gomez, a famous Filipino medical program host and otolaryngologist, believes that China’s strict measures of forced-quarantine and complete lockdown are hard for other countries to accept. “Official’s sudden visits, neighbor’s monitoring each other, and monopolizing information all obviously violate human rights.”

Lawrence Gostin, global public health specialist at Georgetown University, said, “China has a special political system in which it can force its citizens to follow strict measures. However, this kind of state control and monitoring does not suit other countries.”

Professor Robert Dingwall, public health expert and professor at Nottingham Trent University in the United Kingdom, pointed out that, though the CCP has the capability and resources to force the lockdown of the city and forcibly quarantine individual confirmed patients, that will jeopardize the legitimacy of its rule. Also, locking down streets will have a direct impact on society. Hong Kong citizens stuck in Wuhan told the media in mid-February that the city did not have a sufficient supply of medicine and of food.

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Excerpts in Chinese:



菲律宾知名的医药节目主持人、耳鼻喉科医师佛莱迪·戈麦斯(Freddie Gomez)认为,封城是遏制疫情进一步蔓延的最重要步骤。但是中国严厉的强制隔离或完全封锁城市等极端措施,在菲律宾等其他国家很难被接受。



美国乔治城大学全球公卫专家戈斯汀(Lawrence Gostin)也表示,各国有必要对于封锁政策保持存疑。他向媒体表示:“中国有着很特别的政治体制,能使其公民遵守严厉措施,但这些国家控制及监视,对其他国家而言并不适应。”

英国诺丁汉特伦特大学的公共卫生专家、教授罗伯特·丁沃尔(Robert Dingwall)表示,“现在就对封城是否有效下结论,还言之过早”。







Source: BBC, March 16, 2020