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Leadership: The Hype and Stop of the Book, “The Great Power Fights the Epidemic”

The Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP’s) Central Propaganda Department created a book called, “The Great Power Fights the Epidemic” (“大国战“疫”——2020中国阻击新冠肺炎疫情进行中”) and was ready to publish it.

According to Xinhua’s report, this book, “with over 2 million Chinese characters, selected materials from (China’s) mainstream media and integrated them together to show the care for the people, the mission, the strategic vision, and the excellent leadership of Xi Jinping, the General Secretary of the CCP and leader of a great power. … It objectively tells the truth and the story that China has forcefully and effectively contained the coronavirus epidemic …” The plan was to translate the book into five languages, including English, French, Spanish, Russian, and Arabic.

However, Radio Free Asia reported that people said that it was too early for the CCP to declare victory. Some criticized the CCP for attempting to glorify itself even before it was able to control the coronavirus.

Then, Radio France International reported that people found that the book was taken out of China’s major online stores such as JD, Taobao, and Suning. When inquiries were made to those bookstores the answer received was, “The book is temporarily unavailable.”

Related postings on Chinascope:

1. Excerpt in Chinese:

新华社北京2月26日电  由中央宣传部、国务院新闻办公室指导,五洲传播出版社和人民出版社联合紧急编辑制作的图书《大国战“疫”——2020中国阻击新冠肺炎疫情进行中》近日出版。



Source: Xinhua, February 26, 2020

2. Excerpt in Chinese:




Source: Radio Free Asia, February 28, 2020

3. Excerpt in Chinese:

不少推友发现『大国战疫』已”下架了“。他们从京东、淘宝、苏宁等主要营销商以及一些书店那里去查询,得到的回答几乎是相同的。中信书店的回答是“暂无报价”,京东物流的回答是”抱歉! 暂无相关商品“。或者是”该商品已下架“。到百度搜索,也回答说找不到您要找的相关商品。

Source: Radio France International, March 1, 2020中国/20200301-大国战疫-突然下架了-习近平来到我们家-还在连载