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Leadership: Li Keqiang Asked Officials Not to Hide Data and To Prepare for Long-Lasting Work

The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) by artificially reporting zero or near zero infection counts, has been able to portray itself as having gotten the coronavirus under control. However, Li Keqiang, China’s Premier, gave a different voice. He asked officials not to hide the data about the infection and to prepare for a long-lasting fight with the pandemic.

Li made these statements on March 23 at a meeting of the Central Committee’s Novel Coronavirus Epidemic Prevention and Control Leading Group, of which he is the head.

Li said, “Being open and transparent means to report every case, whenever each government finds one. It is what it is. Do not hide or under-report cases.”

Li also said that epidemiology experts, both Chinese and overseas, have established various models to predict the pandemic’s trend. The general belief is that the pandemic is unlikely to disappear suddenly like SARS did. Therefore, people must be prepared for more arduous and lasting epidemic prevention and control work.

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Excerpt in Chinese:

“各地要实事求是、公开透明发布疫情信息。” 中共中央政治局常委、国务院总理、中央应对新冠肺炎疫情工作领导小组组长李克强3月23日在领导小组会议上强调,“实事求是是指有针对性地做好防控,一旦发现疫情,第一时间进行精准管控,把病例和可能传播的场所控制在有效范围;公开透明就是指发现一例报告一例,是什么就是什么,不得瞒报漏报。”




Source: China’s Government Website, March 24, 2020