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The U.S. Issued Three Major Measures against the CCP around China’s National Day

The U.S. released three major measures against the CCP around October 1, which is China’s National Day. On October 2, the U.S. Immigration Service issued a policy announcement prohibiting Communist Party members and those who have joined the Communist Party from applying for U.S. immigration status. On October 1, U.S, Congressman Scott Perry and three other Congressmen jointly introduced legislation to “add the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) to the Top International Criminal Organizations Target (TICOT) List and to provide United States law enforcement agencies a strategic directive to target the CCP’s malign activities.” On September 30, the Republican China Task Force of the U.S. House of Representatives released the results of an expansive survey on the CCP and an action plan to address the growing danger of the CCP. The Task Force mentioned that the CCP, like the Soviet Union, will be a threat to the United States for generations. The report stated that the United States’ diplomatic strategy towards the CCP has failed, and Washington must respond to the CCP’s challenge and reverse the failed strategy of engagement with China.

Mr. Zhang Lin, a well-known democracy activist from Anhui Province who is now living in the U.S., told The Epoch Times that both the Republican and Democratic parties in the U.S. have become more aware of the evil nature of the CCP. Since the U.S. has increased its sanctions against the CCP, the CCP has been facing mounting pressure from the U.S. Every year around October 1, there used to be a meeting of pro-communist leaders to organize the China’s National Day celebration in the U.S. This year, however, it was quiet. In the parade Zhang Lin organized in Flushing on September 27, the pro-CCP groups did not make any trouble at all. They did not even hold up the CCP national flag, which would have been unheard-of in the past.

Source: The Epoch Times, October 3, 2020