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Apple Daily: At the Celebration Jiang Zemin Showed He Is Still Powerful

Secret China republished an article from Apple Daily stating that, at the 60th anniversary celebration of the communist regime, Jiang Zemin, who retired from the top leadership position many years ago and holds no official title, showed he still has great power. It might indicate that there are two power centers in China.

Jiang came right after Hu Jintao when the top leaders came to Tiananmen tower, ahead of all the other eight current Politburo Standing Committee members. The CCTV’s direct broadcast showed Jiang 22 times, fewer than Hu, but much more than any other Politburo members. Xinhua’s report published a picture of Hu alone, then two pictures of Hu and Jiang together inspecting the parade.

Source: Secret China, October 5, 2009