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Communism Attempts to Destroy the United States – Part I: Infiltrating America

I. Irreconcilable Differences

As described more fully in Clash of Values, Part 1, {1} the United States came about as the result of a revolution in mankind’s thinking about government. As a result of the Founding Father’s in-depth study and understanding of some of the West’s greatest thinkers and their discussions on the nature of man, they promulgated the Founding Principles that ensured the freedom and guaranteed the rights of the governed in the United States of America.

The West’s previous governments were monarchies and the people were the king’s subjects. Their will was subject to the king’s will. The new government resulted not just from a revolutionary war, but from a revolution in man’s thinking. People have unalienable rights, the supreme authority rests with the people, and the government exists to serve the people.

This defines the relationship between the ruler (or the ruling party) and the people: It is not the ruling party, but “We the people,” who, through the process established in their Constitution, own the country and make the decisions that involve their own lives.

From the power of the principles upon which it was established and throughout its history, the United States has assumed a special responsibility: to defend the cause of liberty at home and abroad. This is why friends of freedom everywhere have always looked to the U.S. to draw inspiration from its example, its foundation, its ideas, and its actions.

In the spiritual world, we respect and protect religions. Our Pledge of Allegiance states: “one Nation under God.” And we always pray “(May) God bless America!”

The enemies of freedom, on the other hand, had a different type of founding.

In communist countries, the communist party believes that nothing could be higher than itself: the party is the ultimate authority and has the ultimate power.

For example, in the People’s Republic of China, Chairman Mao stated in Chapter Five of The Little Red Book, “Every Communist must grasp the truth: Political power grows out of the barrel of a gun.”

Mao’s Hundred Flowers Campaign in 1950s taught the people well. After being encouraged to criticize the party, hundreds of thousands who publicly criticized the party were then condemned to prison camps, or even executed. The crackdown continued through 1957–1959, forcing people to learn a brutal lesson: The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) is the ultimate authority and cannot be criticized; it cannot be subject to the rule of law or face a vote.

The CCP also attempted to destroy all religions to make itself a “God” to its people. No divine power is allowed to exist because the CCP is the highest authority. As such, each child has to raise his fist and make a deadly pledge to the CCP’s blood red flag saying he will give his life for communism.

Virtue and right and wrong are defined as whatever the party says they are. There can be no problem with coercion, threats, lying, intimidation, or control if the source is the party. Stealing, murder, torture, disappearing people, forced abortion, concentration camps, and organ harvesting cannot be wrong if the party approves these actions as there is no other definition of virtue.

There is no greater contrast than that between China under communist rule and the freedom enjoyed by the citizens of the United States of America. Of course, most Chinese citizens are denied knowledge of any other way: the Great Firewall locks people in so they only have access to CCP propaganda and are denied access to Western media, television programing, or the simple truth.

The CCP, however, has constantly faced two challenges. First, it has to find a way to justify its control even after its citizens learn about the system in the United States. It addresses this by both its propaganda machine’s claiming the communism system is the best system for China and also through the use of force: no one is allowed to criticize the party and can only praise it.

The CCP’s second challenge is how to compete with the U.S. and the Western countries that offer people universal values and a superior government structure. Its solution is that the foundation of the U.S. system needs to be undermined. This could happen in a number of ways.

One is the espousal of truisms. In 1843, Karl Marx wrote that, “Religion is the opiate of the masses.” The statement provided one excellent rationalization for criticizing the U.S. because the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution reads, “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof.” In the communist theory, there can be no “higher power than the communist party” or its leaders, but the U.S. “protects” the opiate of the masses.

The CCP uses its class struggle theory to twist certain truisms. Consider the following:
“Freedom in capitalist society always remains about the same as it was in ancient Greek republics: Freedom for slave owners.”
― Vladimir Lenin {2}

“Let the ruling classes tremble at a Communistic revolution. The proletarians have nothing to lose but their chains. They have a world to win.
Working men of all countries, unite!”
― Karl Marx, The Communist Manifesto {3}

This is just the CCP’s defense strategy.

Taking an offensive view for the CCP, a country that values a higher power in its Constitution, that practices and adheres to the rule of law, that encourages people to think things through for themselves, come to an agreement through discussion, and then vote or otherwise reach consensus, and that chooses its leaders in a free election, is a total anathema to Communist Dogma. It presents such a great danger to the communist party that such a system must be criticized severely or even annihilated.

It should therefore be no surprise that communism actively opposes the United States. It came up with 45 goals calculated to destroy the United States. On Jan. 10, 1963, Congressman Albert S. Herlong Jr. of Florida read the list of 45 Communist goals into the Congressional Record. The list was derived from researcher Cleon Skousen’s book “The Naked Communist.” {4} {5}

The complete list of communism’s 45 goals to destroy the United States is included in Appendix A below.

In reviewing these goals, the reader will realize the extent to which communism has been successful in achieving them. Justin Leopard gave his perspective in September 2020, 57 years after these goals were posted in the Congressional Record:

“When reading over this list, it should be astonishing how many of these goals have already been implemented and how many are staring us in the face today, just two months outside of the 2020 Presidential Election. Many, if not all of these goals, are supported today by the Democratic Party as they often publicly support these goals. Bernie Sanders, Kamala Harris and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez even call themselves Democratic socialists.

Nikita Khrushchev once stated, ‘America will fall without ever firing a shot. You cannot expect Americans to choose communism over capitalism, but you can feed them small doses of socialism until they awaken one day and find they have communism.’” {6}

Some of these goals were carried out by the communist adherents or people in the United States who are pro-communism. Some were done by the CCP, via its astonishing infiltration of the U.S. Let us look at the extent of the CCP’s infiltration.


II. Targeting Politicians

The CCP has managed to access at least two members of congress in key intelligence committees.

The Federalist reported that Chinese Intelligence recruited the driver of Senator Diane Feinstein, who is Chair of the Senate Intelligence Committee. Feinstein “employed this individual for almost 20 years in a close capacity, while he represented the senator in interactions with Chinese officials.” Her ties go way deeper that having an alleged office spy. Feinstein has supported and favored the CCP in many votes. In 1993, “her husband was seeking to raise up to $150 million from investors, including himself, for a variety of Chinese enterprises.”  {7}

A suspected Chinese intelligence operative developed extensive ties with local and national politicians, including a U.S. congressman, in what U.S. officials believe was a political intelligence operation run by China’s main civilian spy agency between 2011 and 2015, Axios found in a yearlong investigation. {8}

The CCP spy successfully accessed Congressman Eric Swalwell, a key member on the House’s Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence. Fang Fang, or Christine Fang, who the U.S. counterintelligence officials believe “acted at the direction of China’s Ministry of State Security (MSS), the country’s main civilian spy agency,” lured him into a relationship, “took part in fundraising activities for Swalwell’s 2014 re-election campaign” and “helped place at least one intern in Swalwell’s office.” {9}

The Washington Examiner reported that Swalwell was not the only victim of his predator Fang Fang. “Through campaign fundraising, extensive networking, personal charisma, and romantic or sexual relationships with at least two Midwestern mayors, Fang was able to gain proximity to political power, according to current and former U.S. intelligence officials and one former elected official.”

According to the Washington Examiner: “The threat of Chinese espionage is real. It’s hard to assess how much it is increasing, but we have anecdotal evidence in the form of media reports that suggest that it’s been increasing. They’ve been using these honey-pot tactics to flip vulnerable people.” {10}The CCP has thrown a big fishing net over the United States: it not only has eyes on the high-positioned targets but also local politicians – it has the patience to build up each relationship over a period of years.

Brad Raffensperger is Georgia’s Secretary of State. During the Georgia House of Representatives election in 2015, he received help from “a powerful network of Mandarin-speaking Chinese people in the United States of America,” as reported by the National File.

The National File “has obtained a video of Raffensperger speaking at an event with Mandarin-speaking Chinese people, begging the Chinese people to get him more than 100 votes to secure his victory in the election (which he ended up winning by 159 votes).

A Mandarin-language newspaper that actively coordinates with the Chinese United Front Department, a network controlled by the Chinese Communist Party, even explained the strategy to place Raffensperger into office by use of ‘absentee ballots’ that could be obtained by one Chinese person and distributed to others.” That newspaper article stated, “According to statistical calculations, we only need 100 Chinese votes this time to determine the outcome of the election and bring Brad a victory. He will represent our voice in the state legislature in the future.” {11}

On February 8, 2020, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo stated, when addressing the National Governors Association winter meeting, “We can’t ignore China’s actions and strategic intentions. The Chinese government has been methodical in the way it’s analyzed our system… it’s assessed our vulnerabilities and it’s decided to exploit our freedoms to gain an advantage over us at the federal level, the state level and the local level.” “In fact, I’d be surprised if most of you in the audience had not been lobbied by the Chinese Communist Party directly.” {12}

Axios reported that D&C Think, a Beijing-based think tank that states that it is partners with the CCP’s United Front Work Department, published “The U.S. Governors Report” on June 22, 2019. The reported rated the governors of all 50 American states as hardline, friendly, or unclear/unknown in their political position towards China.

This report was part of a series launched in response to the rapid deterioration of U.S.-China relations. At such a time, according to the report, “it is very important to understand the attitude toward China in all sectors of the United States, including the government, states, interest groups, and mainstream think tanks.”

The report stated that while a hardline attitude towards China now prevails in Washington, the American federal system means that state-level governments may not be in lockstep.

As the report stated, “Governors can ignore orders from the White House, and state governments can change or even cancel local governments such as cities, counties, and school districts.” State-level officials “enjoy a certain degree of diplomatic independence.” {13}

III. The Spy Network

Breightbart published an article in which Congressman Darrell Issa aptly described what the CCP has been doing: “China has a ‘Three-Tiered’ Program with ‘Hundreds of Thousands of People That Act Like Spies.’” “They have professional spies, they have their various companies that they send over that act like spies, and then they have a network of tens of thousands of students, who are, in fact, interrogated when they go home for the summer and whose families are still in China. You put that all together, it’s not just a few spies, it’s hundreds of thousands of people that act like spies that are coordinated by China. It’s aggressive. It isn’t just looking at government. It’s also looking at every part of our enterprise, every part of our business operations.” {14}

Speaking of the students who China has influenced, the United States Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations, Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs issued a report on China’s Impact on the U.S. Education System.

The report points out: “Confucius Institute funding comes with strings that can compromise academic freedom. The Chinese government approves all teachers, events, and speakers. Some U.S. schools contractually agree that both Chinese and U.S. laws will apply. The Chinese teachers sign contracts with the Chinese government pledging they will not damage the national interests of China.” {15}

In addition, China uses students and scholars to spy and steal secrets. “It’s part of a persistent, aggressive Chinese effort to undermine American industries, steal American secrets and eventually diminish American influence in the world so that Beijing can advance its own agenda, US officials, analysts and experts told CNN.” {16}

In 2008, Beijing created the Thousand Talents Plan in order to recruit researchers from countries including the U.S., U.K, Germany, Singapore, Canada, Japan, France, and Australia. The U.S., Canada, and other countries have raised concerns that this plan may facilitate espionage and theft of intellectual properties.

In November 2019, the U.S. Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations published the report, “Threats to the U.S. Research Enterprise: China’s Talent Recruitment Plans” declaring that plan a threat to American interests.

The Thousand Talents plan has more than 200 CCP talent recruitment programs. Between 2008 and 2016, these programs drew in almost 60,000 professionals. These programs not only target researchers among the Chinese diaspora, but also top scholars around the world. One high-profile case is Charles Lieber, Chair of the Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology at Harvard University. He was arrested for lying about his links to the program. {17}

In the late 1970s, the number of Chinese students studying in U.S. colleges was less than 1,000. By 2019 it was almost 370,000, making China the US’ number one source of international students.

The CCP, spared no time to send the Chinese people to the U.S. as students for technology espionage.

Tang Juan, a researcher for China’s Air Force Military Medical University, came to the University of California, Davis for a research program. When applying for a visa to come to the U.S., she lied about her affiliation with the People’s Liberation Army. When the FBI interviewed her in June 2020, she denied her affiliation again, despite the fact that the FBI showed her a photo of her wearing a military uniform. When the FBI was about to arrest her, she fled and hid in China’s San Francisco Consulate where the FBI agents stayed outside the consulate. The standoff lasted for a month before she finally came out and the FBI took her into custody.

Tang Juan is not the only case. The Justice Department has arrested six such researchers who lied about their military connections when they entered the U.S. {18}

According to John Demers, the U.S. Justice Department’s top national security official, who  reported on December 2, 2020, as the U.S. intensified its crackdown on the CCP’s technology theft via Chinese students and scholars, more than 1,000 Chinese researchers who had come to U.S. universities left the United States. {19}

China has a “thousand grains of sand” approach of interviewing students, tourists, and businessmen and women returning to China, collecting seemingly inconsequential bits of information. Beijing, however, is able to collate collected material, using its growing artificial intelligence and other capabilities. {20}

Secretary Pompeo said, “(T)he Chinese Communist Party is all around us. They are working in our schools. They are working in our clubs and organizations.  They’ve put on a face that’s called a civic organization when, in fact, it’s an element of the Chinese Communist Party’s information-gathering efforts.”

“The Chinese Communist Party clearly lobbies hard, works hard, they have consulates across America where their diplomats are engaged in behavior that’s inconsistent with what we’re supposed to do as diplomats. We shut down one of them because we – it was very clear that they were running a spy operation out of the consulate in Houston.” {21}

Gordon Chang, author of The Coming Collapse of China made some very direct observations about how serious CCP infiltration has become. In his article titled, “Espionage Emergency: China ‘Floods’ America with Spies,” {22} he warned, “Given the emergency, Washington should immediately close down all of China’s bases of operation in the U.S., including its four remaining consulates — Chicago, Los Angeles, New York and San Francisco — and substantially reducing the staff of the embassy. The embassy, in reality, needs only the ambassador, immediate family, and personal staff, not the hundreds currently assigned there.”

One example of the CCP espionage related to the Chinese consulate is the case of Baimadajie Angwang, an ethnic Tibetan and naturalized U.S. citizen serving at the New York Police Department. He was arrested for spying for the CCP, with a contact in the Chinese consulate in Manhattan. Angwang reported to the Chinese consulate the activities of fellow ethnic Tibetans, including by scoping out “potential ethnic Tibetan intelligence sources in the New York metropolitan area and beyond,” as well as potential “troublemakers.” {23}


IV. CCP Allies

The CCP is not alone. It has allies in the United States.

For example, Former California Senator Barbara Boxer, co-chair of Mercury Public Affairs, registered herself as a foreign agent for Hikvision, which her company provides strategic consulting service for. However, Hikvision, an infamous Chinese company that produces surveillance cameras widely used by the CCP to monitor the Uyghurs and other minorities in Xinjiang, was barred by the Commerce Department in 2019.

Boxer said her decision to represent Hikvision was an “opportunity” to “help a company operate in a more responsible and humane manner consistent with U.S. law in spirit and letter.” But on January 12, after public criticism, she deregistered herself. {24}

Voice of America (VOA) reported that Code Pink, an antiwar organization in the United States, was campaigning for “China is not our enemy” in 2020. The organization’s website lists 13 different campaigns, with “China is not our enemy” as the first. The organization was founded in 2002. Its website “posts YouTube videos and articles from China Daily, a CCP mouthpiece, including those denying the Chinese government has detained large number of Uyghurs.” {25}

After the outbreak of COVID-19, 27 prominent public health scientists signed a statement in The Lancet on February 18, 2020, condemning “conspiracy theories” suggesting COVID-19 may have come from a lab, and said scientists “overwhelmingly conclude” the virus originated in wildlife. This set a mainstream tone for researchers not to discuss the possibility that the CCP might have created the virus.

The U.S. Right to Know (USRTK) revealed that Peter Daszak, President of EcoHealth Alliance, drafted the statement and orchestrated it to “avoid the appearance of a political statement.” However, EcoHealth Alliance, a non-government organization based in New York, is heavily connected to the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV). It channeled funding to the WIV scientists from the millions of dollars it received from the U.S. government, to conduct genetic manipulation of coronaviruses. Four other signers of the Lancet statement also have positions with the EcoHealth Alliance. {26}

After many years of infiltration and exchanges of interest, the CCP has harvested a group of alliances, voluntary or involuntary, in the political arena, in business, among Wall Street, the media, Hollywood, Universities, and every area in which they could have input. Part II of this series will discuss how the CCP tries to control American businesses and other institutions.



The complete list of communism’s 45 goals to destroy the United States

On Jan. 10, 1963, Congressman Albert S. Herlong Jr. of Florida read this list of 45 Communist goals into the Congressional Record. The list was derived from researcher Cleon Skousen’s book “The Naked Communist.” {27}

From the TLDM Archives:
These Last Days News – July 12, 2016

  1. U.S. should accept coexistence as the only alternative to atomic war.
  2. U.S. should be willing to capitulate in preference to engaging in atomic war. [Note: These encapsulate the Kennan Doctrine, which advocated for the “containment” of communism. Establishment figures supporting the amoral containment policy at least implicitly worked with the communists in scaring the wits out of the American people concerning atomic war. President Ronald Reagan undid the doctrine when he took an aggressive stand against the Evil Empire by backing freedom fighters from around the world that were struggling against the left-wing communist jackboot. As a result, the Soviet Union and its satellites imploded, a considerable and unexpected setback to the international communist edifice.]
  3. Develop the illusion that total disarmament by the U.S. would be a demonstration of “moral strength.” [Note: The nuclear freeze advocates supported a freeze on American nuclear development only. Rarely were Soviet nukes or those of other nations mentioned in their self-righteous tirades. The same advocates now call for reducing American military might, claiming that there is something immoral about America preserving its military pre-eminence in the world.]
  4. Permit free trade between all nations regardless of Communist affiliation and regardless of whether or not items could be used for war. [Note: Today, there are calls to end the embargo on the slave island of Cuba, there were complaints about the embargo against Iraq, and the U.S., not Saddam Hussein, was blamed for the suffering of the Iraqi people. Would they have advocated for free trade with Hitler and his National Socialist regime?]
  5. Extend long-term loans to Russia and Soviet satellites.
  6. Provide American aid to all nations regardless of Communist domination. [Note: Such aid and trade over decades contributed greatly to the left-wing communist liquidation of over 100 million people worldwide, according to the well-documented “Black Book of Communism.” This aid and trade marks a shameful chapter in American history. Without the aid and trade, the left-wing international communist behemoth would have imploded on its own rot a lot sooner and umpteen millions would have been saved from poverty, misery, starvation and death.]
  7. Grant recognition of Red China and admission of Red China to the U.N. [Note: Not only did President Jimmy Carter fulfill this goal but he also betrayed America’s allies in Nicaragua, El Salvador, Iran, Afghanistan, Angola and elsewhere.]
  8. Set up East and West Germany as separate states in spite of Khrushchev’s promise in 1955 to settle the Germany question by free elections under supervision of the U.N.
  9. Prolong the conferences to ban atomic tests because the U.S. has agreed to suspend tests as long as negotiations are in progress.
  10. Allow all Soviet satellites individual representation in the U.N.
  11. Promote the U.N. as the only hope for mankind. If its charter is rewritten, demand that it be set up as a one-world government with its own independent armed forces. [Note: There are still American intellectuals, and elected members of Congress, who dream of an eventual one world government and who view the U.N., founded by communists such as Alger Hiss, the first secretary-general, as the instrument to bring this about. World government was also the dream of Adolf Hitler and J.V. Stalin. World government was the dream of Osama bin Laden and the 9/11 hijackers.]
  12. Resist any attempt to outlaw the Communist Party. [Note: While the idea of banning any political party runs contrary to notions of American freedom and liberty, notions that are the exact opposite of those held by the left-wing communists themselves, nevertheless these goals sought to undermine the constitutional obligation of Congress to investigate subversion. The weakening of our government’s ability to conduct such investigations led to the attack of 9/11.]
  13. Do away with loyalty oaths. [Note: It is entirely proper and appropriate for our government to expect employees, paid by the American taxpayer, to take an oath of loyalty.]
  14. Continue giving Russia access to the U.S. Patent Office.
  15. Capture one or both of the political parties in the U.S.[Note: In his book, “Reagan’s War,” Peter Schweizer demonstrates the astonishing degree to which communists and communist sympathizers have penetrated the Democratic Party. In his book, Schweizer writes about the presidential election of 1979.]
  16. Use technical decisions of the courts to weaken basic American institutions, by claiming their activities violate civil rights. [Note: This strategy goes back to the founding of the American Civil Liberties Union by Fabian Socialists Roger Baldwin and John Dewey and Communists William Z. Foster and Elizabeth Gurley Flynn among others.]
  17. Get control of the schools. Use them as transmission belts for Socialism and current Communist propaganda. Soften the curriculum. Get control of teachers associations. Put the party line in textbooks.
  18. Gain control of all student newspapers.
  19. Use student riots to foment public protests against programs or organizations that are under Communist attack.[Note:The success of these goals, from a communist perspective, is obvious. Is there any doubt this is so?]
  20. Infiltrate the press. Get control of book review assignments, editorial writing, policy-making positions.
  21. Gain control of key positions in radio, TV & motion pictures.
  22. Continue discrediting American culture by degrading all form of artistic expression. An American Communist cell was told to “eliminate all good sculpture from parks and buildings,” substituting shapeless, awkward and meaningless forms.
  23. Control art critics and directors of art museums. ” Our plan is to promote ugliness, repulsive, meaningless art.”
  24. Eliminate all laws governing obscenity by calling them “censorship” and a violation of free speech and free press.
  25. Break down cultural standards of morality by promoting pornography and obscenity in books, magazines, motion pictures, radio and TV. [Note: This is the Gramscian agenda of the “long march through the institutions” spelled out explicitly: gradual takeover of the “means of communication” and then using those vehicles to debauch the culture and weaken the will of the individual to resist.]
  26. Present homosexuality, degeneracy and promiscuity as “normal, natural and healthy.”[Note: Today those few who still have the courage to advocate public morality are denounced and viciously attacked. Most Americans are entirely unwitting regarding the motives behind this agenda.]
  27. Infiltrate the churches and replace revealed religion with “social” religion. Discredit the Bible and emphasize the need for intellectual maturity, which does not need a “religious crutch.” [Note: This has been largely accomplished through the communist infiltration of the National Council of Churches, Conservative and Reform Judaism, and the Catholic seminaries.]
  28. Eliminate prayer or any phase of religious expression in the schools on the grounds that it violates the principle of “separation of church and state”
  29. Discredit the American Constitution by calling it inadequate, old fashioned, out of step with modern needs, a hindrance to cooperation between nations on a worldwide basis.
  30. Discredit the American founding fathers. Present them as selfish aristocrats who had no concern for the “common man.”
  31. Belittle all forms of American culture and discourage the teaching of American history on the ground that it was only a minor part of “the big picture.” Give more emphasis to Russian history since the Communists took over. [Note: Obliterating the American past, with its antecedents in principles of freedom, liberty and private ownership is a major goal of the communists then and now.]
  32. Support any socialist movement to give centralized control over any part of the culture – education, social agencies, welfare programs, mental health clinics, etc.
  33. Eliminate all laws or procedures which interfere with the operation of the Communist apparatus.
  34. Eliminate the House Committee on Un-American Activities.
  35. Discredit and eventually dismantle the FBI.
  36. Infiltrate and gain control of more unions.
  37. Infiltrate and gain control of big business.
  38. Transfer some of the powers of arrest from the police to social agencies. Treat all behavioral problems as psychiatric disorders which no one but psychiatrists can understand or treat. [Note: The Soviets used to send “social misfits” and those deemed politically incorrect to massive mental institutions called gulags. The Red Chinese call them lao gai. Hitler called them concentration camps.]
  39. Dominate the psychiatric profession and use mental health laws as a means of gaining coercive control over those who oppose communist goals. [Note: Psychiatry remains a bulwark of the communist agenda of fostering self-criticism and docility.]
  40. Discredit the family as an institution. Encourage promiscuity and easy divorce.[Note: Done! The sovereign family is the single most powerful obstacle to authoritarian control.]
  41. Emphasize the need to raise children away from the negative influence of parents. Attribute prejudices, mental blocks and retarding of children to suppressive influence of parents.  [Note: Outcome-based education, values clarification or whatever they’re calling it this year.]
  42. Create the impression that violence and insurrection are legitimate aspects of the American tradition; that students and special interest groups should rise up and make a “united force” to solve economic, political or social problems. [Note: This describes the dialectical fostering of group consciousness and conflict, which furthers the interests of authoritarianism.]
  43. Overthrow all colonial governments before native populations are ready for self-government.
  44. Internationalize the Panama Canal.
  45. Repeal the Connally Reservation so the U.S. cannot prevent the World Court from seizing jurisdiction over domestic problems. Give the World Court jurisdiction over domestic problems. Give the World Court jurisdiction over nations and individuals alike.


Series of the “Communism Attempts to Destroy the United States”:

Communism Attempts to Destroy the United States – Prelude: There Is This Great America
Communism Attempts to Destroy the United States – Part I: Infiltrating America



{1} Chinascope, “A Clash of Values, Part I,” January 14, 2013.
{3} The Communist Manifesto.
{4}, “45 Communist Goals.”
{5}, “Communism’s 45 goals to destroy the United States…”
{6} Index Journal, “Letter: Appreciates guest view on communism,” September 29, 2002.
{7} The Federalist, “Sen. Dianne Feinstein’s Ties To China Go Way Deeper Than an Alleged Office Spy.” August 8, 2018.
{8} Axios, “Exclusive: Suspected Chinese spy targeted California politicians,” December 8, 2020.
{9} Ibid.
{10} Washington Examiner, “Eric Swalwell should be kicked off intel committee and stripped of security clearance, experts say,” January 8, 2021.
{11} National File, “CAUGHT ON TAPE: Brad Raffensperger Begged For Chinese Votes,” January 4, 2021.
{12} Fox, “Pompeo warns governors of Chinese infiltration into US: ‘It’s happening in your state,’” February 8, 2020.
{13} Axios, “How a Chinese think tank rates all 50 U.S. governors,” February 19, 2020.
{14} Breitbart, “Issa: China Has ‘Three-Tiered’ Program with ‘Hundreds of Thousands of People That Act Like Spies,’” December 11, 2020.
{15} U.S. Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations, Committee on Homeland Security and Government Affairs, “China’s Impact on The U.S. Education System.”
{16} CNN, “US intelligence warns China is using student spies to steal secrets,” February 1, 2019.
{17} The Conversation, “The Thousand Talents Plan is part of China’s long quest to become the global scientific leader,” August 31, 2020.
{18} CBS Local, “FBI Takes Wanted Chinese Researcher Into Custody; She Had Been Harbored In SF Consulate,” July 24, 2020.
{19} VOA, “Official: Over 1,000 Chinese Researchers Have Left US Amid Tech Theft Crackdown,” December 2, 2020.
{20} Gatestone Institute, “Espionage Emergency: China ‘Floods’ America with Spies,” December 14, 2020.
{21} State Department Website, “Secretary Michael R. Pompeo With Jan Jekielek of The Epoch Times’ American Thought Leaders Program,” January 5, 2021.
{22} Gatestone Institute, “Espionage Emergency: China ‘Floods’ America with Spies,” December 14, 2020.
{23} New York Post, “NYPD cop charged with serving as secret agent of Chinese government,” September 21, 2020.
{24}Fox News, “Barbara Boxer ‘deregisters’ as foreign agent for Chinese surveillance company that targeted Uyghurs,” January 12, 2020.
{25} VOA, “What Kind of Big Game Is Behind the Twitter Account ‘China Is Not Our Enemy’”? December 2, 2020.
{26} USRTK, “Scientist with Conflict of Interest Leading Lancet COVID-19 Commission Task Force on Virus Origins,” November 24, 2020.
{27}, “Communism’s 45 goals to destroy the United States…”