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Communism Attempts to Destroy the United States – Prelude: There Is This Great America

There is this wonderful land on earth, with clean air, blue skies, bountiful water, blooming flowers, and running animals, with traces of human signs dating back tens of thousands of years;

There is this wonderful land where Christopher Columbus and other European explorers arrived in the 1490s and called the continent the “New World;”

There is this wonderful land where the native residents shared their food to help the new settlers pass their first winter, and in return the settlers hosted a harvest ceremony the following year, starting the tradition of “Thanksgiving;”

There is this wonderful land where people of different religions, races, and cultural backgrounds admire and have come for its freedom and new opportunities, creating what we call a “melting pot;”

There is this wonderful land where Neil Armstrong put his left foot on the lunar surface and famously stated, “That’s one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind;”

There is this wonderful land where so many inventions and innovations keep emerging that continuously change the world for the better of all, including electricity, the telephone, automobile, airplane, Internet, social media, and the human genome map.

There is this marvelous country that patriot Nathan Hale said, “I only regret that I have but one life to lose for my country;”

There is this marvelous country about which Patrick Henry declared, “Give me liberty, or give me death;”

There is this marvelous country that our Founding Fathers established after an eight-year long Revolutionary War, with design of a system for democracy, freedom, separation of powers, and checks and balances, which the entire world envied;

There is this marvelous country that rooted solidly on the foundation of “government of the people, by the people, for the people;”

There is this marvelous country that stood as a beacon for the Free World, inspiring people with the values of humanity, freedom, mutual respect, and integrity;

There is this marvelous country that erected the Statue of Liberty at the Hudson River, holding a torch to light the path for people who come to seek liberty;

There is this marvelous country that printed on its currency, “In God We Trust;”

There is this marvelous country that endured great suffering to keep the Union and abolish slavery, and in the end, healed its deep schism and its tragic national wounds;

There is this marvelous country that sent millions of its sons and daughters during World Wars and subsequent wars to defend peace and freedom and to stop genocide;

There is this marvelous country that stood up against the former communist Soviet Union and through persistent, never-yielding efforts, brought the “Evil Empire” to its demise;

There is this marvelous country that would always defend human rights around the world, promote universal values, and speak for the people when their rulers deprived them of their rights;


Starting in 2020, several catastrophes hit this country and tried to destroy its greatness:

The COVID-19 pandemic put the nation’s health security in jeopardy;

The lock-down measures aiming to stop the spread of the virus put the nation’s economy in jeopardy;

The unfortunate deaths of African Americans and the social turmoil during the Black Lives Matter movement put the nation’s law and order in jeopardy;

The move to reject our country’s historical figures, including our Founding Fathers, put the nation’s history and heritage in jeopardy;

The fraud-challenged election further split the nation into two hostile groups, putting the nation’s Constitution and the President’s governing legitimacy in jeopardy;

My fellow Americans,

Will we let these challenges bring our country down or will we be able to heal our wounds, reunite our country, and bring our greatness back?

Will we be able to use love instead of hatred, rationality instead of prejudice, and peace instead of violence, to work with each other?

Will we be able to go back to our traditions, to our values, to what our Founding Fathers laid out for us, to safeguard our system and to defend our great America?

The answer? Yes.

For there are righteous people in this land who have never forgotten their Pledge of Allegiance: “I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all”;

For there are righteous people in this land who survived from the tragic 9-11 terrorist attack and came back even stronger, while retaining their rationality and continuing to embrace the Muslim community that lived peacefully in this country rather than discriminating against them;

For there are righteous people in this land, including thousands of volunteers of doctors and nurses, from all over the country, who, when the novel coronavirus ravaged New York city and we human beings didn’t know how to fight it yet, came to New York to save other people’s lives while risking their own;

For there are righteous people in this land who remain peaceful when going to the streets to express their opinions despite other groups that resort to violence and riots;

For there are righteous people in this land who, when facing calamities, never waver in their prayers and their beliefs: God Bless the United States of America!

My fellow Americans,

Let’s work together to bring back the glory of this great America! When we start on this honorable endeavor, let’s first understand: many of our challenges are related to the communist’ aggression, via its ideological influence and tactical infiltration, with the attempt to destroy our system; and that attack did not start in 2020 – it has been going on for many years.

Series of the “Communism Attempts to Destroy the United States”:

Communism Attempts to Destroy the United States – Prelude: There Is This Great America
Communism Attempts to Destroy the United States – Part I: Infiltrating America