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Swedish Court Excludes Huawei from 5G Equipment Suppliers

A Swedish court ruled Tuesday, June 22, to uphold an injunction excluding Chinese telecommunications equipment maker Huawei from being a 5G equipment supplier. The court stressed the importance of national security.

Last year, Sweden banned Huawei from participating in the construction of 5G networks on the grounds of national security. Huawei then appealed the decision. The court rejected Huawei’s appeal on Tuesday, stressing that the security of Sweden is of paramount importance and that, if used in the construction of Sweden’s 5G network, Huawei products could threaten Sweden’s national security.

The media said the court ruling dashed Huawei’s hopes of returning to Europe and that the possibility of China’s retaliatory action against Huawei’s rival, Swedish telecommunications company Ericsson, may increase.

Source: Radio France International, June 22, 2021