According to a report by Radio Free Asia (RFA), Wang Yiwei, a professor at the School of International Relations at Renmin (People’s) University of China, recently made a stunning statement on video and on social media, claiming that the Taliban are just like the “PLA.” “In the past they were demonized by the United States, but they are China’s good brothers.” The statement stirred up a big controversy over the Internet. Wang later deleted the videos and social media containing the messages.
In addition, the Chinese internet and self-media platforms are spreading controversial statements such as, “The Taliban is the choice of the Afghan people” and “(It is a) war for the national liberation of Afghanistan.” Some articles that questioned the statements or which opposed the Taliban were deleted from WeChat. For example, two articles, “Is the Taliban ‘the Choice of the Afghan People?’” and “Afghan Students Have been Subjected to Internet Bullies for Making Anti-Taliban Statements” have been deleted.
Source: RFA, August 25, 2021