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LTN: U.S. Survey Showed Strong Support for Taiwan

Major Taiwanese news network Liberty Times Network (LTN) recently reported that the U.S. independent think tank, the Chicago Council on Global Affairs, release its new survey report. The report showed that, if China invades Taiwan, more than half of Americans agree to provide U.S. military assistance to Taiwan and nearly 70 percent of the respondents support Taiwan’s independence. The report also showed that 65 percent of the individuals surveyed support Taiwan’s entry into international organizations; 57 percent support the signing of the US-Taiwan Free Trade Agreement; 53 percent support a formal alliance between the United States and Taiwan; 52 percent support sending US troops to defend Taiwan; and 46 percent support a clear commitment to defend Taiwan when China invades. This is the highest percentage recorded in the same survey since the think tank first raised these questions in 1982. The report indicated that 60 percent of Republicans, 50 percent of Democrats, and 49 percent of independents are in favor of sending U.S. troops to defend Taiwan.

Source: LTN, August 27, 2021