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Duowei: Biden Promised to Give Up Subverting China’s System. This Shows the Success of Beijing’s Struggle Strategy

Duowei, an Internet news portal stationed in North America and associated with Beijing’s grand propaganda plan, published an article claiming that Beijing won a battle in the struggle between China and the United States.
“The video meeting between Biden and Xi Jinping (on November 16 ) showed the success of Beijing’s struggle in the past few months against the arrogant attitude of the Biden administration.”

The article said, “Although the U.S. draft is extremely restrained and only displays three sections, the outside world can still find from the Chinese draft that the two sides have shown interest in strategic stability, diplomatic security, finance, economics and trade, and climate change. The U.S. willingness in the long-term to have full communication with China on almost all issues is positive in itself.”

The article continued, “During this meeting, Biden clearly recognized China as a major world leader, just like the United States. This is an important evaluation of China. It is not the America First from the Trump era, but China is also the world’s major leader, with whom the United States is willing to discuss issues.

“The Biden administration’s patience with China was not there from the beginning. After taking office, Washington elites such as Antony Blinken and Jake Sullivan still displayed American arrogance, accusing China on the issue of the origin of the new Coronavirus, forcing China to yield using public opinion, and amplifying the human rights issue in Xinjiang into a cotton war, etc. These tactics were no different from the Trump era.

“The high-level meeting in Alaska in March ended unpleasantly. Beijing launched a counterattack ‘full of gunpowder.’ The United States ‘has no right to speak condescendingly with China, and the Chinese do not give a damn.’ The ‘old problems of the United States interfering in China’s internal affairs must be corrected.’ This was a loud warning from Yang Jiechi, member of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China and director of the Central Foreign Affairs Office. Biden’s climate envoy John Kerry (John Kerry) made his first visit to China in April. It was arranged to be in Shanghai, far away from the political center.”

The article claimed that “Beijing’s tough stance during the Alaska meeting and Kerry’s first visit to China made the Biden administration clearly realize that the original method of dealing with China is no longer applicable.”

The article concluded, “Many people are skeptical about China’s pursuit of an equal footing with the United States, believing that it is too presumptuous and too aggressive. Now it looks apparent that there is no need to worry at all. The American respect that China wants will not come automatically. The change in the United States needs to be forced by an external atmosphere. China has not passively endured all this, but is actively shaping up the situation. From hiding one’s capacity and biding one’s time, to acting proactively, then to daring to fight and being good at fighting, Beijing’s approach of responding to the challenges of the United States has begun to bear fruit.”

Source: Duowei, November 18, 2021全球/60269072/拜登承诺放弃颠覆中国体制这是北京斗争策略的成功