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State Media Chief on Expanding State Media to Increase China’s Influence

Cai Fuchao, the head of the State Administration of Radio, Film, and Television (SARFT) discussed the development of a modern media empire to enable socialist culture to increase its influence. During an interview with Study Times, Cai stated that the stronger a nations’s capability of distributing its values and culture, the more powerful will its influence be in the world. “The Party’s newspapers, journals, news agencies, radio, and television are the main forces that the Party has for its news and propaganda. In our modern communication system, developing them must be a strategic priority.”

According to Cai, Xinhua has over 140 overseas branches. China Radio International has 32 overseas correspondents’ stations and 62 overseas AM and FM radio stations broadcasting in 61 languages. China Central Television has 50 overseas correspondents’ stations broadcasting in six languages on seven international channels. There are over 200 million local subscribers through cable in 141 countries and regions. China Daily (English) has different editions for the United States, Europe and Asia in addition to its domestic flagship edition in China. The overseas edition of China News Service covers 22 countries.

Source: Study Times, November 7, 2011