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Meng Jianzhu Called for Tough Measures to Crack Down on Violent Crimes in Uyghurian Region

On June 30, Meng Jianzhu, secretary of Central Politics and Law Commission, attended and spoke at the "anti-terrorist operation for maintaining the peace" rally held in Xinjaing. The Xinjiang Police Armed Forces in Urumqi, capital of the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region, held the rally. Meng praised the work the local police had done and called for tough measures to crack down on recent violent crimes.

According to VOA, there have been a number of recent violent attacks reported in the Uyghur region in Xinjiang. On June 28, over 100 people rode motorcycles and held long knives to attack a local public security bureau in He Tian County. On the same day, about eight people broke into an armed police station and clashed with the police. On June 26, a fight broke out in Piqan County in the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region between the local Uyghurs and the local police, resulting in 35 deaths.

People’s Daily, June 30, 2013
VOA, June 29, 2013