Outlook Weekly published an article commenting on the first meeting of the National Security Commission which took place on April 15, 2014. Xi Jinping chaired the committee meeting, with Li Keqiang and Zhang Dejiang as deputies. The Commission was established in November 2013, with the responsibility to oversee all security matters that China faces.
The article stated that, in his speech at the meeting, Xi Jinping presented two new ideas:
1. He raised the “overall national security concept” and the “national security path with Chinese characteristics” for the first time. The “overall national security concept” is bigger than the previous security concepts. It encompasses the people’s safety, political security, economic security, as well as military, cultural, and social security.
2. He emphasized the concept of five “both’s": both external security issues and internal security issues, both the land security issue and the people’s safety issue, both traditional security issues and non-traditional security issues, both the (economic) development issue and the security issue, and both China’s own security issues and common security issues (with other countries).
Source: Outlook Online, April 21, 2014