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Qiushi: Xi Jinping’s Diplomacy Strategy for the Communist Party

On June 3, 2014, Qiushi published a commentary by Wang Jiarui, director of the International Department of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China. The commentary explained Xi Jinping’s strategy of diplomacy for the Party. 

Wang wrote that the Party’s relationship with political parties is an important part of the overall diplomacy of the State. At present, the Communist Party has established a relationship with over 600 political parties and organizations in over 180 countries and regions. Communications with the leaders of these political parties, who are considered the sources of government policy and representatives of public opinion in these countries, show characteristics of high-level exchanges, preventive diplomacy, strategic exchanges, and far-reaching impact. 

Wang asserted that, as long as they are friendly to China, the Communist Party should pursue a relationship with them, whether it is the ruling party or an opposition party, a political organization or a think tank, media or a well-known private figure, in a country where China has no diplomatic relations or where there is no political party. Such a pursuit should be carried out with perseverance in order to cultivate friends who truly know China. 
Source: Qiushi, June 3, 2014