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Global Times: Radio Free Asia Collaborates with East Turkestan to Promote Anti-China Ideology

Xinhua carried an article which was originally published in Global Times. The article named a few western media and stated that they assisted the East Turkestan Islamic Movement, spread rumors, and ultimately promoted violent ideology in China. The article also mentioned that the social media in the West such as YouTube, iTunes, Facebook, Google, and Twitter also contain programs that circulate separatist ideology. The majority of the article’s contents listed evidence proving how Radio Free Asia used its coverage of the history, culture, and current situation in East Turkestan to demonstrate its true intention of promoting “anti-China and separatist ideology.” The article said that Radio Free Asia receives funding from the U.S. government. Its voice has become the outlet for East Turkestan separatism. In addition to Radio Free Asia, the article also named Voice of America and BBC Chinese, claiming they use their Uyghur language programs to instigate violence. As for Radio France International and Deutsche Welle, the article said that, due to a shortage of funding and out of concern for upsetting China, the media in European countries are unlikely to have Uyghur language programs. However, Deutsche Welle’s Chinese language program is obviously biased when it covers the violent crimes that East Turkestan commits in China.

Source: Xinhua, July 5, 2014