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People’s Daily: Growing Trade and Transport Links between China and Latin America

“Chilean salmon, Ecuadorian white shrimp, Peruvian blueberries, Argentine beef, coffee from Brazil and Colombia, …, are becoming common treats on Chinese dining tables,” reported People’s Daily.

The newspaper accredited the new development in Chinese culinary fare to the increasing maturity of transport routes linking China and Latin American countries. Sea freight routes between China and Latin America are mature, reported the article, covering most of the important ports in Latin American countries. Air freight routes have developed rapidly over the past five years, mainly in the two major Latin American cargo distribution centers in Mexico City, Mexico, and São Paulo, Brazil.

From 2000 to 2022, the total trade volume of goods between China and Latin America increased by a factor of 35, while the trade volume between Latin America and other parts of the world only increased by a factor of 4 during the same period. China remains the second largest trading partner of the Latin American region as well as the largest trading partner of several Latin American countries including Brazil, Chile, Peru, and Uruguay.

Source: People’s Daily, May 2, 2024