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Chinese Foreign Ministry Spokesperson on Fatah and Hamas Dialogue in Beijing

At the routine Chinese Foreign Ministry press conference on April 30, a reporter asked: “It is reported that recently, the two factions of Fatah and Hamas in Palestine held consultations in Beijing on internal reconciliation. Could the spokesperson provide some detailed information?”

Lin Jian, Spokesperson for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, answered: At China’s invitation, representatives of the Palestinian National Liberation Movement (Fatah) and the Palestinian Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) came to Beijing for consultations, engaging in in-depth and candid dialogue on promoting internal reconciliation in Palestine. Both sides fully expressed their political willingness to achieve reconciliation through dialogue and consultation. They discussed various specific issues and made positive progress, unanimously agreeing to continue the dialogue process, striving to achieve Palestinian unity at an early date. Both sides highly appreciated China’s firm support for the just cause of the Palestinian people to restore their legitimate national rights, thanked China for its efforts to strengthen internal unity in Palestine, and reached consensus on the next steps of the dialogue.

Source: Xinhua, April 30, 2024