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To Pressure Taiwan, China Suspends Tariff Concessions on 134 Taiwanese Products

On May 31, the Customs Tariff Commission of China’s State Council announced the suspension of tariff concessions on the second batch of products listed under the “Cross-Strait Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement.” Starting from June 15, preferential tariff rates under the agreement will no longer apply to 134 lines of products exported from Taiwan to China. These include certain auto parts, textiles, and petrochemical products.

Scholars believe this move is part of Beijing’s continued efforts to exert economic pressure on Taiwan. At the same time, most of the affected products are those for which China has overcapacity, meaning that Beijing can afford to reduce Taiwanese imports of those products. The move could be detrimental to cross-strait relations and may accelerate Taiwan’s decoupling from China.

Source: VOA, June 1, 2024