Skip to content Was First to Mention Jiang Zemin’s Name in Its Report on “Guo Boxiong’s Ups and Downs”

On July 30, 2015, the same day that Xinhua reported the expulsion of Guo Boxiong from the Chinese Communist Party (CCP),, a media group that is close to current top CCP leader Xi Jinping, published a biography of Guo titled, “Guo Boxiong’s Ups and Downs.” In this report, Caixin hinted at the close relationship between Guo Boxiong and Jiang Zemin, the CCP’s former top leader.

In 1990 when Guo was an army commander, he told a group of army officials that he would build an army that met Jiang Zemin’s five-sentence requirement for a qualified army. Of all of China’s official news reports, was the first media that directly mentioned Jiang Zemin’s name in such an anti-corruption report.

Source:, July 30, 2015