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People’s Daily: Grass-Root Communist Party Branches are Showing Weakness

People’s Daily recently reported that, when the newspaper’s reporters visited village-level Communist Party branches, many demonstrated shocking weakness and laxity. One example was that a village-level Party leader was delighted to have “earned” the title of “Weak and Lax Village Party Branch,” which entitled that branch to some funding to refresh its office hardware. The report suggested that this type of grass-root Party branches would only shake the base for the legitimacy on which the Communist Party remains in power. It also implied that the “Chinese people” are “losing confidence” in the ruling Party. The author of the report called for disciplinary action against the “weak and lax” party branches and members and also called for a stop to the practice of throwing money at those branch leaders without requiring that they correct their way of thinking. 
Source: People’s Daily, December 28, 2015