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Xinhua: U.S. The Cost of Starting a War Is Lower

Xinhua recently published a report commenting on cuts in the U.S. defense budget. According to the new budget plan, the defense budget for next year will be reduced by $32 billion. A total of $487 billion will be cut over the next decade. The report expressed the belief that the factors leading to the reduction were the current unstable U.S. economic situation and the political atmosphere of a presidential election year. However, the article pointed out that the budget reduction also reflected some strategic improvements that the U.S. military has made. One is strengthened mobility and delivery capabilities, which make deploying military forces to the front-line much easier and faster. Hence there is no need to keep a large amount of manpower deployed in remote areas. Another improvement is in the technology area where unmanned and space-based attack capabilities are becoming game changers. The report concluded that the budget cuts demonstrated that it will be easier and cheaper for the U.S. to start future wars. The lowered U.S. defense budget may mean more trouble for the world.

Source: Global Times, February 25, 2012