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Hunan Riot Police Dispatched to Chongqing, Sichuan to Maintain Stability

According to the Hong Kong based Information Center for Human Rights & Democracy, approximately 1,500 riot police under the direct command of the Central Military Commission of the Communist Party were sent from Laiyang, Hunan Province, to Chongqing, Sichuan Province. Wang Lijun, the former police chief and Vice Mayor of Chongqing, who used to lead the Chongqing riot police, is currently under arrest and is being investigated in Beijing. Officials from the local State Security Department and the Chongqing Riot Police are also being investigated. It was reported that the Communist leaders are concerned that in times of riots, the Chongqing riot police might not follow orders. Hence the Hunan riot police have been moved and are stationed in Chongqing as a precaution.

Source: Information Center for Human Rights & Democracy, February 24, 2012