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Qilu Evening News: Interview with an Internet Policeman from Shandong Province

Guangming Daily carried an article that Qilu Evening News had originally published.

Qilu Evening News, the provincial evening newspaper in Shandong Province, carried an article in which the reporter interviewed an Internet policeman about his work and his life. Fan Lei, an Internet policeman, has worked for the Internet surveillance team in the Jinan Municipal Public Security Bureau for four years. Fan explained in the interview that he spends over ten hours a day in front of the computer monitor. His main responsibilities are to develop online virtual police stations on websites and to answer inquires received through that channel. In the past two years, Fan and his team have set up over 1,300 online virtual police stations on local social and news websites, received 1,879 online tips and inquiries, and provided service to over 2,400 people. His team has grown from 20 people in 2002 to 100 in 2012.

Source: Guangming Daily, September 29, 2012