Well-known Taiwanese Newspaper Liberty Times Network (LTN) recently summarized a number of reports from multiple sources on the surprising move that the pro-mainland Hong Kong newspaper Sing Pao Daily News made, suggesting that the sitting Hong Kong Chief Executive Leung Chun-ying is the true “Father of Hong Kong Independence.” Leung Chun-ying is widely considered to be a “puppet” of the Communist mainland, and Sing Pao Daily News is traditionally a typical pro-mainland newspaper. The shocking finger-pointing from Sing Pao happened right before the Hong Kong Legislative Council Election. Sing Pao accused Leung of exaggerating the seriousness of the Hong Kong Independence Movement to prove his own importance. Sing Pao also called for an investigation of the Liaison Office of the Central People’s Government in Hong Kong, which is the office representing the Beijing central government.
Source: Liberty Times Network, September 2, 2016