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Silent Contest II

[Editor’s Note: The PLA National Defense University recently created an educational video called “较量无声” (Silent Contest) on the behind-the-scenes battle between China and the United States. [1] General Liu Yazhou, Political Commissar of the military institution and son-in-law of former president Li Xiannian, produced the work. It postulated that the Soviet Union’s collapse was due to the U.S.’ “peaceful revolution.” Using that viewpoint to examine the Sino-U.S. relationship, the video concluded that, while the U.S. has maintained an outward appearance of warmth and peaceful cooperation, beneath the surface it has always been trying to destroy China, using the same methods it applied to the Soviet Union.

To support its premise, the video further outlined five areas in which the U.S. is undermining China: political infiltration, cultural infiltration, public opinion and ideological infiltration, organizational infiltration, and political interference and social infiltration.

Silent Contest circulated widely on the Internet in late October 2013, and began disappearing from Chinese websites on Thursday night, October 31, 2013. [2] Nevertheless, a number of media have commented on it. [3]

Please note that the source of a number of quotes in English could not be identified. Unless the original English source is indicated in the end notes, the quotes in the video are translated from the Chinese text in the video. The translation of the Prelude and Part I of the video have already been published and can be found on the Chinascope website at:

The following is a translation of Part II.]

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Dai Xu: The Only Type of Warfare That Could Destroy China

[Editor’s Note: Dai Xu, a renowned Chinese social commentator, who is President of the Marine Institute for Security and Cooperation, a Professor at the National Defense University, and Senior Colonel in the People’s Liberation Army Navy, wrote an article for Xinhua about the danger to China of information infiltration. Dai observed that an information war in Cyberspace is the only type of war that could destroy China.] [1]

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Silent Contest

[Editor’s Note: The PLA National Defense University recently created an educational video called “较量无声” (Silent Contest) on the behind-the-scenes battle between China and the United States. [1] General Liu Yazhou, Political Commissar of the military institution and son-in-law of former president Li Xiannian, produced the work. It postulated that the Soviet Union’s collapse was due to the U.S. inciting a “peaceful revolution.” Using that viewpoint to examine the Sino-U.S. relationship, the video concluded that, while the U.S. has maintained an outward appearance of warmth and peaceful cooperation, beneath the surface it has always been trying to destroy China, using the same methods it applied to the Soviet Union.

To support its premise, the video further outlined five areas in which the U.S. is undermining China: political infiltration, cultural infiltration, public opinion and ideological infiltration, organizational infiltration, and political interference and social infiltration.

This video was produced as an educational document within the Party for specific groups such as the army and university classes. Somehow, in late October 2013, Silent Contest leaked out and circulated widely on the Internet. On October 31, 2013, it began disappearing from Chinese websites. [2] Nevertheless, a number of media have commented on it. [3]

The following is the translation of the Prelude and Part I of the video. Please note that the source of a number of quotes in English could not be identified. Unless the original English source is indicated in the end notes, the quotes in the video are translated from the Chinese text in the video. The translation of Part II will appear in a future issue.]

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Qiushi: Who Has the Highest Level of Control over China’s Economy?

[Editor’s Note: Qiushi Theory Online published an article analyzing the “highest level of power” exercised over China’s economy. The article claimed that the U.S. has long controlled China’s economy because it has controlled the “top-level power.” That includes the right to set the exchange rate, to issue base money, and to set the price of assets. The article concluded that the U.S. has plundered China, divesting it of enormous financial profits. The U.S. is the culprit responsible for China’s economic problems including inflation, the real estate bubble, the bear stock market, and company bankruptcies.

The article heavily criticized China’s central bank for selling China’s interests to the U.S.

Yu Yunhui, who holds a Ph.D. in economics from Xiamen University, is the author. He is not well-known. However, the article appeared in Qiushi, a prominent periodical on political theory that the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP’s) Central Party School and the Central Committee publish. That, in itself, makes it worthy of attention and consideration.

The following is a translation of a majority of the article. The Chinascope editors do not analyze the author’s arguments, but leave it to the reader to do so.] [1]

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Cai Mingzhao: Present Good Information about China and Spread China’s Voice

[Editor’s Note: Cai Mingzhao, the Vice Minister of the Publicity Department of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) Central Committee and Director of International Communications for the CCP Central Committee, wrote an article for People’s Daily Online on how to make better use of propaganda to promote China’s soft power. In the article Cai discussed how propaganda work can “present good information about China and spread China’s voice” overseas. The following is an excerpt from his article] [1]

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Red Flag Manuscript: Develop and Expand the State Economy

[Editor’s Note: Red Flag Manuscript published an article that pointed out how critical the State-Owned Economy is for China in its current stage of development. The article argued that the world is in an era of capitalism in which financial monopolies prevail. In this era, the dominant force is the international conglomerates that have monopoly or oligopoly positions in an industry. Therefore, China should also develop and expand its State-Owned Enterprises (SOEs) so it can stay alive. The author, Zhou Miao, is from the Institute of Marxism at the China Academy of Social Science. The following is an excerpt from the article.] [1]

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Masanjia Labor Camp

[Editor’s Note: On April 7, 2013, the Chinese magazine Lens published an exclusive investigation report describing in detail the various inhuman torture methods used to persecute the inmates at Masanjia Women’s Labor Camp. The article, titled “Getting Out of ‘Masanjia,'” is the first time that China’s own media revealed the torture used in the labor camp system. The article sent shock waves through Chinese society and was soon republished on a handful of major Chinese websites, including Sina, Sohu, Tengxun, and 163. The torture methods were so horrifying that they induced a number of people to make online comments. A YouTube video appeared called, “Masanjia, Hell in the Human World.”]

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