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China-U.S. Starting the Third World War May No Longer Be Just an Illusion

[Editor’s Note: Huanqiu (Global Times) published a commentary about a survey it had conducted in 2013 asking people in seven Chinese cities how they viewed the relationship between China and the U.S. More than half responded that the relationship was one of allies or friends. The commentary went on to explain that, to the contrary, the relationship was one of fake friendship because countless facts show that China and the U.S. are actually competitors and that, if effective measures are not taken, the relationship will worsen. It will become so adversarial that China must, therefore, prepare to fight a bitter and hard war. In fact, this adversarial relationship may mean that World War III is no longer an illusion.] [1]

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China’s State-Media Expose Foreign Forces behind the HK Occupy Central

People’s Daily quoted a report from Hong Kong’s Wen Wei Po about the illegal "Occupy Central [movement]." It said that that material supplies are endless and that some analysts have pointed out that the opposition, solely by itself, certainly cannot sustain such an undertaking. The Hong Kong Environmental Protection Association’s environmental monitoring report on "Occupy Central" noted that, by a conservative estimate, the consumption of goods in the "occupied territories" within just one month comes to more than HK $250 million. Taking out the 20 percent of the materials that the public donated, a total of HK$200 million in goods came from unknown sources. The media article quoted "Legal scholars" who have questioned whether external forces provided these materials of unknown origin to support the "Occupy Central" activity. They urged the police and the Legislative Council to investigate. "If ‘Occupy Central’ is a crime, then anyone who provides material supplies is an accomplice."

Source:  People’s Daily, October 31, 2014

Why the Hong Kong Election Rules That China’s Legislature Established Are Fake Universal Suffrage

[Editor’s Note: On August 31, 2014, China’s legislature ruled out open nominations for the election for Hong Kong’s top leader. The standing committee of the National People’s Congress (NPC) ruled in Beijing that all candidates for Chief Executive in Hong Kong must receive more than half of the votes from a special nominating committee. Beijing called this plan “universal suffrage” because everyone who does vote has the opportunity to choose the nominating committee’s candidates. However, the 1,200 members on the nominating committee are considered to have close ties with Beijing or were vetted by Beijing. Diane Liu, an independent Chinese writer, explained in an article why China’s election rule is really fake universal suffrage. The following is the translation.] [1]

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Why Can’t Civilized People Attain Democracy?

[Editor’s Note: After China’s National People’s Congress finalized its decision to "control" who gets nominated to run in the election for the chief executive of Hong Kong in 2017, the people in Hong Kong went to the street to demand true universal suffrage. At first, it was known as the "Occupy Central" movement. The world looked on in amazement. Pro-democracy media supported the movement, while the pro-Chinese Communist Party (CCP) media blamed the protesters for disrupting the social order and damaging Hong Kong’s economy. Diane Liu, an independent Chinese writer, discusses the maturity of the protesters and how civilized their actions are, as well as the lies and distortions that the CCP disseminates in order to defame them. A translation of her discussion follows.] [1]

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Hong Kong, a Trap Set up for Xi Jinping

Many people view the current Hong Kong democracy movement as a confrontation between the people of Hong Kong and Beijing over universal suffrage and who controls the nomination. Not that many have realized that it also represents in-fighting within the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) itself.

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Li Leishi: A 2008 Reminder on Organ Harvesting

According to Sohu in 2008, Li Leishi, an academician with the Chinese Academy of Engineering and Director of the PLA Kidney Disease Institute stated that organ donation after death does not have the soil for it to exist in China.

Leishi pointed out that there is a big shortage of organ transplant donors in China and that "organ donation after death" only exists in theory. It cannot be put into practice in China because the conditions aren’t there for its existence. Li further explained that China does not have the same system as foreign countries do, so as to ensure that organ donations after death can effectively proceed. In addition, legal protection is also one of the problems. There is no legal protection in China regarding what criteria should exist to make a decision for organ donation [of brain dead patients].
Li gave his own experience to explain the extent of the organ shortage. He said that, because we are an Institute, the amount of transplant surgery we perform is not that high. In the past, I could do kidney transplants for 120 patients a year; now I can only do 70. Just from my own experience, we now have at least 50 organ shortages per year. The lack of donor organs is the main reason for the reduction in the amount of surgery. Each year, I have more than 200 or even close to 300 patients registered and waiting for surgery, not including those patients blocked from the registration due to economic reasons.
Source:  Sohu, November 27, 2008

Qiushi on Universal Values

[Editor’s Note: Qiushi, a Communist China periodical on political theory, published an article criticizing "universal values" at the theoretical level. The article argued that "universal values" is just a fantasy term that the capitalists use to cover up the reality of the capitalist political and economic system, where money controls everything. It denounced the elite group in China that promotes "universal values" and declared that it is the most dangerous enemy of the Chinese people. The following is an excerpt from the article.] [1]

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Qiushi on Managing Intellectuals in Order to Control Their Understanding of Ideology

[Editor’s Note: Qiushi published an article on how to manage China’s intellectuals so that the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) can maintain firm control over people’s thoughts. The article suggested focusing on those intellectuals who are opinion-leaders and who are able to influence people’s viewpoints. It proposed establishing a good relationship with them, absorbing them into the Party, appealing to them with patriotism, or, if their viewpoints are the opposite of the Party’s, just taking them down. The following is a translation of excerpts from the article.] [1]

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