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China Battles Extreme Weather Conditions

Xinhua published a series of front page articles calling on all levels of regions and government bodies to be on guard against the extreme weather condition. In recent months, China has been hit by stormy and rainy weather in the south and extreme heat in the north. China Daily reported that as of July 5, 75 people had died, 13 were missing, and 39 million people were affected by the flooding in the south.

On Monday July 6, the China Ministry of Finance announced a 170 million yuan emergency fund for the southern regions, including 13 provinces that had suffered from the flood. The article calls on the regions to take the responsibility and cooperate with each other to ensure “winning the battle against the flood.”

[1] China Daily, July 6, 2009
[2] Xinhua, July 8, 2009

Central Propaganda Department Censors Key Words in Internet Searches on Urumqi City Riot

On July 6, the Central Propaganda Department issued an emergency order to all major Internet sites to list "Urumqi City Riot" and its related words as sensitive information which must be filtered when conducting keyword searches online.

Fearing the further development of the Urumqi City Riot, the Central Propaganda Department specifically required all media agencies to follow and be consistent with the reporting done by Xinhua and People’s Daily. "The content should focus on the "crimes committed by East Turkistan so the Chinese people can know its true nature." the order stated.

Source: Radio Free Asia, July 7, 2009

Large Export Revenue Loss in 2008 Due to Failure to Comply with International Product Standards

The biggest challenge that Chinese export businesses face next to currency is compliance with the “technical barriers to trade,” the international product standards issued by the WTO. According to the National Bureau of Quality Inspection, 36.1 percent of export businesses failed to comply with the WTO’s “Technical Barriers to Trade.” In 2008, they suffered financial losses of US$50.5 billion.

Research data suggests that the top five countries or regions that affect China’s export businesses are the EU, U.S., Japan, Russia and Latin American countries. The top five businesses that suffered the most are electric parameters, agricultural production, textiles/garments/shoes/hats, and wood/paper/non-metasl and chemicals/minerals/metals. 

Source: Xinhua, June 25, 2009

400 Secretaries of the Discipline Inspection Commission are Called to Attend Centralized Training

According to Public Security Bureau, for the first time in history, 400 Secretaries of the Discipline Inspection Commission from the district Public Security Bureaus will take the centralized training class at the People’s Public Security University in Beijing.

Source: China Huanqui June 28, 2009

40 percent of Small to Mid Size Businesses Are Struggling for Survival

Reports yet to be released by the Academy of Social Sciences suggest that 40 percent of small to mid size businesses were hit by the financial crisis and went bankrupt, while 40 percent of the remainins businesses are struggling for survival. Most of them lack the assets to secure business loans.

 Small to Mid size businesses account for 99 percent of the total businesses in China, contributing 60 percent of the GDP and 50 percent of the national tax income. They provide over 75 percent of the job opportunities for local regions.

Source: Huan Qiu, June 28, 2009

China’s Super Think Tank To Seek Financial Independence

In an interview with the People’s Daily, Zhen Xingli, Vice Chairman of the China Center for International Economic Exchanges (CCIEE) revealed that CCIEE has formed a grant foundation team with the target of raising 500 million yuan by seeking financial support from corporations and enterprises. CCIEE received 5 million yuan from the Ministry of Finance as its initial funding.

Since its formation three months ago, CCIEE has provided dozens of research papers to the central administration, including topics on green recovery and expansion in exporting channels. On July 3 and 4, CCIEE will host its first "Global Think Tank Summit" in Beijing.

Source: Xinhua, June 18, 2009

China to Capitalize on the Growth of the Culture Industry

For the first few months of 2009, China’s culture industry experienced double digit growth of 17 percent, while its book sales grew 20 percent and movie ticket sales were up 40 percent compared to the same period last year. In order to capitalize on this growth, China has instituted a series of plans to include the culture industry in its national “Eleventh Five Year Plan” and make it a new area to stimulate domestic demand.

Ministry of Cultural is speeding up formation of guidelines, organizing national conventions, and encouraging non-public enterprises to enter the culture industry. Below are a few examples:

  • On April 24, the Ministry of Culture signed a cooperative agreement with the Bank of China to establish a long term strategic partnership to secure financial funding for new culture enterprises and projects.
  • On May 18, during the 5th China (Shenzhen) International Cultural Industries Fair in Shenzheng, 3.5 million visitors were at the expo, 830,000 more than the previous time.
  • On June 15, the Shanghai Cultural Equity Exchange, a platform for the trading of property rights, creditor’s rights and equity rights of culture products was formed. There were 500 active projects being traded including 50 from foreign countries.

Source: Xinhua, June 18, 2009

Maintaining Social Stability is a Tough Challenge for the Government

According to Zhou Yongkang, a member of the Central Political Bureau Standing Committee, and Secretary of the Central Political and Legal Commission, China is facing an arduous task in maintaining social harmony and stability. Zhou admitted that increasing internal conflicts, a high crime rate, as well as “complex struggles against our enemies,” still exist.

Zhou was speaking at the “National Recognition of the Comprehensive Management of Social Order and the General Assembly.” The full text of speech can be found in Qiu Shi magazine.

[1] China News, June 16, 2009
[2] Qiushi Journal, June 16, 2009