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China Launches Training Sessions for Prison and Labor Camp Wardens

Following the training session held for the chiefs of local public security bureaus, Beijing recently called for a similar training session for the wardens of prisons and labor camps as well as the party chiefs of the selected law firms.

The training session will be held at the Central Institute of Correctional Police in Baoding, Hebei Province. It will be divided into 8 sessions and will last for 65 days. According to Wu Aiying, Minister of Justice, the training will “target how to improve prison management skills as well as prevent corruption and increase the effectiveness of investigations of illegal cases.”

Source: Xinhua, June 4, 2009

China Held National Anti-Terrorism Exercises

In the run-up to its 60th anniversary celebration on October 1, China been holding national anti-terrorism exercises, “Great Wall 6,” in the regions surrounding Beijing, to test their ability to face terrorist attacks. The first one was held in Huhehaote, Inner Mogolia Autonomous Region on the afternoon of June 9.

The areas the exercise tested include the effectiveness of handling “nuclear bomb” attacks as well as multiple sites and chemical factory attacks. Shanxi and Hebei Provinces were picked as the next sites and the exercises are said to have ended in mid-June.

[Editor’s note]: A search through Google suggested that this news posting carried by the official news sources including Xinhua, Sohu, China News, People’s Daily were deleted after they were posted. However, as of June 14, 11:30 EST, a few city level websites, such as the Tengzhou City webpage still carried this posting.

Source: The Tengzhou City Website, June 12, 2009

Server Administrators Ordered to Turn in Server Password

Boxun received a news tip from its unidentified Chinese sources that China has ordered server administration companies to turn in the server login and password information so that a “computer specialist can login in to clean up the server.” Violators could face a fine as penalty as per the 5th clause of Article 21 within Order 33 issued by the Ministry of Public Security, which says that the police can impose a fine of not more than 5000 RMB against the responsible personnel and a fine of not more than 15,000 RMB against the company, close the network and equipment for up to six months, or if necessary, suggest to have the business license of the organization canceled and its network registration canceled, if “(the server host does) not inspect the content of information released on behalf of someone else or not register the unit or individual on whose behalf the information was released.” 

[1] Boxun, June 12, 2009
[2] Ministry of Public Security, China, December 30, 1997

Chinese Academy of Sciences Releases Technological Roadmap for Next 50 Years

On June 10, the Chinese Academy of Sciences released a strategic research report entitled “Innovation 2050: Scientific Revolution and Future of China.” A technological roadmap for the next 50 years, the report covers 18 key areas including energy, population health, space, the ocean, information, national, and public security.

Over 300 experts from the Chinese Academy of Sciences spent more than a year to develop the report, which clearly defines the focal point for future technology development and lists 22 strategic technology issues which will affect the modernization of China. The roadmap is divided into three phases which will be revised every five years.

Source: Xinhua, June 10, 2009

Applications for College Entrance Exam Down

Other than Guangdong, Jiangsu, and Chong Qing, most provinces will see a decrease in college entrance examination applications this year. The main reason is the tough job market college graduates face.

Some high school graduates apply for vocational schools to learn a trade. And more and more of them are applying to colleges overseas.  For example, there are 3000 high school students who take the SAT test each year to apply to colleges in the US.

Source: Huan Qiu, May 28, 2009

Young Party Leaders at High Risk for Corruption

Young party leaders under the age of 45 make up a larger portion of those accused of corruption charges. According to Guangzhou Discipline Inspection Committee, among 227 government employees who were charged with corruption from 2007 and 2008, 127 of those were between 31 and 45, accounting for 55.95 percent of the total.

Source: China News, May 18, 2009

Online Survey Results on Geithner’s Visit

Huanqiu published its online survey results on US Treasury Secretary Geithner’s fist visit to China: 83 percent believe that the purpose of Geithner’s China visit was to ask China to buy more US debt; 49 percent feel that China will not purchase more debt; 63.3 percent believe the US relies on China.

Huanqiu also listed the following five requests made to Geithner from its online users. They are: keep US currency stable and stop pressing China on the currency issue; lift the sanction on exporting high-tech to China; ensure safe investment in the US; recognize China’s (world) market economy status; and cancel US trade protection clause against China.

Source: Huan Qiu, May 31, 2009

Pro-China Taiwanese Businessman Bought Out Media Giants in Taiwan and Hong Kong

In November 2008, Cai Yan Ming (Tsai Eng-meng), CEO of WantWant Holding Group reshaped Taiwan’s media landscape by buying the media entities operated under Taiwan media giant “China Times Media Group” which include “China Times,” “Commercial Times," “China Times Weekly,” “CTI Television” and “China Television." Three months later, Cai bought out Asia Television in Hong Kong.

Cai ranked number nine in Forbes richest people in Taiwan and is the founder of Wantwant Holding Group with business investments in food, real estate, restaurant and hospital businesses in mainland China. Cai’s recent shift into the media industry has drawn suspicion as to whether the source of the funding is linked to the mainland. Cai is said to have close ties with the mainland as he was seen with Chen Yunling, chairman of the Association for Relations Across the Taiwan Straits during his unpopular visit to Taiwan last November.

Source: Epoch Times Magazine