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Guangming Daily: On High Alert for the Danger of Lacking in Drive

In his speech on July 1, 2011, the 90th anniversary of Chinese Communist Party, Hu Jintao said, “The entire Party must be keenly aware that at a time of profound changes in global, national, and intra-Party conditions, we are faced with many new developments, problems, and challenges in our efforts to enhance the Party’s leadership and governance and its ability to resist corruption and degeneration, to withstand risks, and to strengthen its governance capacity and advanced nature. … The whole Party is confronted with a growing danger coming from a lack of drive, incompetence, being separated from the people, lacking initiative, and corruption. It has thus become even more important and urgent than ever before for the Party to police itself and impose strict discipline on its members.”

On October 2, 2011, Guangming Daily published an article “On High Alert for the Danger of Lacking Drive,” which enumerates the causes, manifestations, and consequences of the “growing danger from the lack of drive.” The article lists the causes for the lack of the drive among CCP cadres, including a “feeling of achievement,” a “feeling of safety,” “inertia in governance,” and “the effects of wealth.” The lack of drive is exhibited among CCP cadres as mental and spiritual emptiness, being lazy, being content with mediocre performance, and spending extravagantly.

The article warns that, if the lack of drive continues, the Party will lose its popularity and its social base; by doing nothing, it will lose its leading and governing position. “Being slack will cause a chain reaction, resulting in a rigid way of thinking, stagnation in theory, moral decline, the collapse of ideology, and the death of the spirit of enterprise. It is an important reason for the Communist Party in some countries to have lost their advanced nature, lost popularity, lost their social base, and lost their leading and ruling position. These tragedies, involving the demise of the Party and loss of the country, were not so long ago. We must not repeat the same mistake.”

Source: Guangming Daily, October 2, 2011

Xinhua Vows to Remove the Tumor of Internet Rumors

On October 1, Xinhua published a commentary titled “Internet rumors: this tumor must be removed.” The article stated, “Recently, multiple incidents of lies and rumors have been spread on China’s Internet. They have polluted the cyber environment, disrupted the social order, seriously impaired the image and credibility of our nation’s Internet, and incited public indignation from the majority of netizens and the cyber industry. The chief of the Cyber News Propaganda Bureau under the China Internet Network Information Center gave a talk on September 30, in which he condemned the act of creating and disseminating rumors and vowed to severely punish the action of creating and disseminating rumors. launched initiatives calling for the general netizens and practitioners of Internet business to jointly ignore disseminated reports that contain cyber lies and rumors.”

“To remove such tumors needs not only the joint regulation of relevant authorities, but also for mainstream websites to maintain self-disciplinary actions and for general netizens to voluntary boycott them. … People’s Daily Online also launched a special topic on its homepage, ‘Resolutely stop fabricating facts and lies to be spread on the Internet’ to widely induce comments from the media and from Internet users and denounce the despicable acts of fabricating facts and promulgating lies.”

Source: Xinhua, October 1, 2011

PLA Daily: China and France to Deepen Military Ties

According to People’s Liberation Army Daily, at the 10th strategic dialogue between the Chinese and French defense ministries in Paris on September 28 and 29, both sides “conducted frank, friendly and fruitful exchanges on defense policies, military buildup, the regional security situation, and issues of international focus. They also had an in-depth exchange of views on further developing bilateral military relations.” “Both sides agreed that the Sino-French defense ministry dialogue mechanism will help deepen strategic mutual trust, expand areas of cooperation, and play a positive role for the two countries in building a new, mature and stable, comprehensive strategic partnership based on mutual trust and mutual benefit, while having a global perspective.”

Source: Xinhua, October 1, 2011

Zhou Yongkang: Adhering to the Party’s Leadership over Prosecution Work

In a recent meeting, Zhou Yongkang, a Politburo Standing Committee member and secretary of the Chinese Communist Party’s Committee on Political and Legislative Affairs, stressed the importance of adhering to the Party’s leadership over the work of prosecution and investigation. 

Zhou said, “The most fundamental thing is to unswervingly adhere to and develop the socialist prosecution system with Chinese characteristics. First, we must always adhere to a correct political direction. … (We should) adhere to the Party’s leadership over the work of prosecution and investigation, unswervingly taking the path of political development and rule of law development in socialism with Chinese characteristics. Second, we must always adhere to law enforcement for the people. Third, we must always adhere to the prosecution’s constitutional position.” 
He stressed that the prosecutory organs must continue to study and implement Secretary Hu Jintao’s "7.1" speech as their current and future primary political task in order to ensure that all prosecutory personnel maintain a high degree of unity in thought and action with Comrade Hu Jintao as the general secretary of the Party Central Committee.
Source: Xinhua, September 23, 2011

State Council Sent Language Experts to North Carolina State University

The Office of Overseas Chinese under the State Council of the Chinese government recently launched a Chinese language training camp at North Carolina State University. Organizers of the camp also include the Chinese School Association in the United States and the Cary Chinese School. The Office of Overseas Chinese dispatched three scholars and language experts to help local Chinese language teachers strengthen Chinese language education.

Source: China News Service, September 22, 2011

Xinhua Criticized U.S. Arms Sale to Taiwan

Xinhua recently published a commentary criticizing the U.S. arms sale to Taiwan, saying it “concerns China’s core interests and the Sino-U.S. relationship, and will result in serious damage.”

“The brunt of the damage has been to the good momentum of cross-strait peace and development. … The United States arms sale to Taiwan ignores the status quo of cross-strait peaceful relations and departs from this trend. U.S. arms manufacturers may take the opportunity to earn a fortune, but the overall and long-term interests of the Chinese people, including Taiwan compatriots, will be deeply hurt.”
“Sino-US political mutual trust will therefore be severely damaged. Over the years, the United States, ignoring its commitment made in the three Sino-US joint communiqués, especially the August 17 communiqué, time and again has launched arms sales to Taiwan. … Some pro-Taiwan politicians in the U.S. have even made rude gestures and spared no effort to promote upgraded arms sales to Taiwan, trying to strengthen the "Taiwan Relations Act." This does serious damage to Sino-US strategic mutual trust, bringing no good but only harm to the common interests of China and the U.S.”
Source: Xinhua, September 21, 2011

China Youth Daily: Fight a Cyber War: How?

[Editor’s Note: A scholar from the PLA Academy of Military Sciences wrote an article for China Youth Daily in which he gave a detailed description of various forms of cyber warfare: cyber intelligence, network obstruction and paralyzing, cyber defense, network psychology, and integrated network and electronic warfare. The entire article is translated below.] [1]

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Chinese Deep-sea Explorer Reaches Milestone

China’s State Oceanic Administration (SOA) announced on Tuesday, July 26, that an undersea craft named Jiaolong, which carried three crew members, reached 5,038 meters (16,591 feet) below sea level in a test dive in international waters in the northeastern Pacific. The official Xinhua news agency quoted its chief engineer, Xu Qinan, who said that it is equipped with the most advanced technology, some imported from other countries, which allows the craft to freely navigate on the seabed. 

Jiaolong, meaning mythical sea dragon in Chinese, was designed to reach a maximum depth of 7,000 meters. SOA said it is capable of reaching more than 70 percent of the planet’s seabed. The project, launched in 2002, enables China to be the fifth country, after the U.S., France, Russia, and Japan, to possess deep-sea exploration technologies.
Source: Xinhua, July 26, 2011.