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Xinhua: Armed Police Will Be under the Sole Direction of the CMC

Xinhua announced that the Chinese Communist Party Central Committee published the “CCP Central Committee’s December 27, 2017, Decision on Adjusting the Control System of the Armed Police Forces.” The decision stated that, starting on January 1, 2018, the armed police will be under the sole direction of the Central Military Commission (CMC). It will no longer be under both the CMC and the State Council.

Duowei also reported that the armed police will go through a staff cut from 800,000 down to 400,000.


1. Xinhua, December 27, 2017
2. Duowei, December 15, 2017

China Conducted the First Head Transplant on Dead Bodies

Italian Neurosurgery specialist Sergio Canavero said that his team has performed the first head transplant in China by taking off the head from a dead body and connecting it to another dead body. The surgery took 18 hours and was successful.

Ren Xiaoping, a Chinese Professor at the Harbin Medical University, performed the surgery.

Canavero said earlier this year that he plans to conduct a head transplant in two years. He said this will lead to “living forever,” where people transplant their heads to younger bodies which were cloned from their original bodies.

Arthur Kaplan, a professor at New York University, who is strongly against organ harvesting, vehemently opposes this transplant practice. “The head transplant talk is like (the talks) from Mengele.” “It will be very brutal and definitely will bring disaster.”

Josef Mengele was a German Schutzstaffel officer and physician at the Auschwitz Concentration Camp during World War II. He used live humans to perform experiments to “improve the human race.”

“Canavero’s team said that the first transplant might be done using the body of a Chinese organ donor, because there is a higher chance of getting a Chinese organ donor.”

However, there have been accusations that the Chinese government conducts live organ harvesting using Falun Gong practitioners and political dissidents.

Ethan Gutmann, a human rights defender and former adjunct fellow at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies, believes that there are 500,000 to 1 million Falun Gong practitioners imprisoned in China and from 2000 to 2008, about 65,000 of them were already killed when the Chinese regime harvested their organs.

Source: BBC, November 23, 2017

China Will Host a Summit between the CCP and the World’s Political Parties

Xinhua announced that, from November 30 to December 3, China will host a Summit in Beijing that will include the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and a large number of political parties from around the world. Xi Jinping will attend and give the keynote address at the opening ceremony.

Over 200 parties and political organizations from more than 120 countries have registered for the conference.

“This summit is the first China-hosted multi-country diplomacy event since the 19th Communist Party National Conference. It is the first time for the CCP to hold a summit which includes many different types of political parties from around the world; it is expected to be the most-attended summit of political party conferences. It has groundbreaking significance in the CCP’s history and also groundbreaking significance in the history of the world’s political parties.”

The summit has a symposium on the Spirit of the 19th CCP National Congress with the title, “The CCP and the World in the New Era.” It also has four parallel sub-forums on “Strengthening the Party’s Development: Political Party’s Challenge and Future,” “Build a Beautiful Country: Political Party’s Practice and Experiences,” “Construct the ‘One Belt, One Road’: Political Party’s Participation and Contributions,” and “Lead the Development of the Common Community of Human Destiny: Political Party’s Roles and Responsibilities.”

“Some foreign political party leaders will visit the CCP’s Party Central School. Before or after the summit, China will also hold the 3rd China-Africa Political Parties Symposium on Theory, the 2nd China-Central Asia Political Parties Forum, and the Tenth China-U.S. High-Level Political Party Leaders Dialogue.”

Source: Xinhua, November 24, 2017

British Think Tank: Hong Kong Has Gone Backward Since It Was Handed over to China

On October 31, the British think tank, the Henry Jackson Society, published a report, “20 Years after Hong Kong’s Handover.” It stated that, since the handover, Hong Kong has gone backward on citizen rights, human rights, and legal rights and that Beijing has interfered in Hong’s system and autonomy, which has impacted Hong Kong’s economy, political world, and legal system.

Over the past 10 years, Hong Kong’s democracy and legal rights have deteriorated significantly. China used some direct and indirect methods to force Hong’s legislative process and judicial system to follow Beijing’s orders. China’s law enforcement personnel have used illegal abductions against those who challenged China’s top leadership group and Hong Kong’s rank in the World Press Freedom Index dropped from 18th in 2002 to 73rd in 2017.

Source: VOA, November 2, 2017

South Korean Newspaper: China Arrested North Korean Agents

According to South Korea’s JoongAng Ilbo (English: The Central Times), China arrested two North Korean agents who attempted to murder Kim Han-sol, son of Kim Yong-nam. Kim Yong-nam was Kim Jong-un’s elder brother. North Koreans murdered him in Malaysia in February.

Seven members of North Korea’s intelligence agency tried to carry out the murder plan against Kim Han-sol. China tightened its security control during the 19th National Communist Party Congress, which helped the discovery of this attempt.

Source: DW News, October 30, 2017

Chinese Professional Test Taker Caught in New Zealand

Weibo reported that a Chinese woman was caught at the Auckland airport in New Zealand for carrying three different passports. She planned to take the SAT test and the test for Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) for other people (hence the need for the different passports).

China has a “flourishing” underground market for test takers. This woman charged nearly US $100,000 for taking just one test.

Earlier this year, the FBI arrested four Chinese citizens for hiring other people to take the TOEFL {the most widely respected English-language test} for them. They are facing the charge of “conspiracy to cheat the U.S.” and could be sentenced to up to five years in prison.

Source: Weibo, November 4, 2017

Guo Wengui on China’s Plan to Ruin the United States

After his speech at the Hudson Institute was cancelled, Guo Wengui, a former Chinese business tycoon from China who is now actively exposing the Communist Party officials’ corruption, issued a press release and held a press conference at the National Press Club on October 5.

Guo showed those present a document, claiming it was a top secret document from China, dated April 27, 2017. The title was, “The Response of the Office of the State Council regarding the Office of the (Communist Party’s) Central National Committee’s Plan to Secretly Send 27 State Security Officers including He Jianfeng to the U.S. to Perform Job Duties.” Guo said that He Jianfeng was from the State Security office and was mainly responsible for collecting intelligence on the U.S. and for controlling the spy network there. “Twenty eight people except He have already come to the United States. Their main base was the Bank of China in New York. Also (some went to) the Chinese Embassy in Washington, D.C. and to some Chinese organizations. Another 50 people came (to the U.S.) later.” The Chinese government later denied the authenticity of the document.

Guo stated that China has a complete “BGY” plan to control the world. “BGY” stands for, “The plan (which) includes Blue (control the Internet), Gold (buy influence with money), and Yellow (seduce key people with sex). Guo also said that China has a second plan called “3F” and both plans are to ruin the U.S. and to assure that China controls the world.

Source: (Guo Wengui’s website), October 5, 2017

Guo Wengui: Jiang Zemin’s Dark Silent Force in the U.S. Conquered the Hudson Institute

Guo Wengui, a former Chinese business tycoon who is now actively exposing Communist Party officials’ corruption, had planned to give a speech at the Hudson Institute on October 4. However, the think tank notified him one day before the speech that the event had been cancelled.

Hudson Institute spokesperson David Tell said that the institute received emails from China, protesting the event. Bill Gertz from The Washington Free Beacon, who was supposed to host Guo’s speech, said that the Chinese Embassy pressured his newspaper multiple times and even threatened to deny its scholar the right to visit China.

The Hudson Institute also received a cyber attachment from Shanghai.

Guo Wengui commented that people related to Jiang Zemin {Former General Secretary of the Communist Party of China from 1989 to 204} might have maneuvered the cancellation.

Guo disclosed earlier that, from 2004 to 2008, Jiang Zemin’s son Jiang Mianheng (江绵恒) had three kidney transplants which involved killing five people. His surgeon was found to have “jumped out of his building.” The surgeon’s family members fled to Malaysia and China’s State Security officers persuaded them to return to China. They flew there in Malaysia’s airplane #370 on March 8, 2014. That plane went missing forever.

“An American said (to me) that Jiang Mianheng (江绵恒) was very unhappy with my exposing his organ transplants. (He) said that was a main reason that the Hudson Institute speech was cancelled. (He) said that (I) cannot prove (Jiang Mianheng’s transplants) nor can I prove that the surgeon’s family members died on Malaysia’s airplane #370.”

“I have never commented on (Jiang Mianheng’s) organ transplants. I only talked about the fact. Jiang Mianheng had three kidney transplants. Five people died! Who were these five people? Why did they have to die after their kidneys were removed?”

“Jiang Mianheng used Jiang Zemin’s dark silent force in the U.S. to conquer the Hudson Institute!”


1. Radio Free Asia, October 4, 2017
2. (Guo Wengui’s website), October 4, 2017