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PLA Strategist: What Is the Sino-US Trade War?

Luo Yuan, a Rear Admiral and military strategist for the People’s Liberation Army (PLA), gave a speech recently on the Sino-US Trade War, analyzing it from the angle of China’s national strategy, why it happened, and how China should respond to it.

Luo’s speech was in three parts: What is it, why did it happen, and how to deal with it? The following are his main points:

What is it?

The U.S. has recently made six strategy changes: One, “America First” is officially a part of its national security strategy. Two, the U.S. has taken China as its number one threat and main competitor. Three, the Trump administration has adopted a “competition strategy” instead of Obama’s “engagement strategy.” Four, the U.S. has been following the “Indo-Pacific” strategy instead of the “Asia-Pacific Rebalance” strategy. Five, the Trump administration uses “Rebuilding America’s Military” strategy to replace the automatic reduction approach. Six, the U.S. has changed its nuclear weapons strategy.

Therefore, the trade war between China and U.S. is not a simple trade conflict but rather a major strategic issue, due to the U.S. national strategy change.

Why did it happen?

Luo said that he has had many discussions with other Chinese experts and concluded that the entire U.S., from top to bottom, has some strategic worries about China: One, China is likely to surpass the U.S. in GDP output someday. Two, China’s socialist model will surpass the U.S. model which is based on free, capitalist-styled competition. Thus, the Americans are concerned about the ideology and system rules. The Sino-U.S. trade war is the competition for national interest, system structure, and ideology.

How to respond?

One school of thought is for China to go back to the previous taking-a-low-profile approach. However, Luo argued that this won’t work any longer. The U.S. is demanding a full opening up, including the Internet. Luo warned that the communist party won’t be able to protect its ideology if the Internet is fully open.

The second school of though is to fight back. Luo argued that the symmetric counterattack approach (if the U.S. imposes tariffs on US $50 Billion worth of goods and if China imposes tariffs on an equal amount) will not work for China. He advocated the asymmetric counterattack, that is, to attack the enemy’s weak points.

Luo further stated that it may not be easy to find the U.S.’ weak points, but it can start from the U.S.’ strong points. Once China breaks the U.S.’ strong areas, the U.S.’s weak areas will be exposed. Luo listed the five strong areas of the U.S. and China’s counter measures:

  • One, a strong military power. China can increase military spending and develop its own killer weapons. The U.S. has 11 aircraft carriers. China does not need to match that number to compete with it. Instead, China can use its missiles to sink one or two, which will totally change the game play.
  • Two, the US dollar’s dominance in international trading. China should make the renminbi an international currency.
  • Three, a great pool of talent. China should develop its own high-tech industries.
  • Four, a vote-based system. China can target U.S. politicians’ voter bases by restricting the import of certain goods produced in some particular regions. There are three product lines in which China can have a good leverage: soil beans, cars, and airplanes.
  • Five, creating an enemy to keep itself strong. Since the U.S. takes China as its enemy, China can just be an “enemy” that it cannot defeat. China should also make more and more friends so as to leave the U.S. with fewer and fewer allies.

Source:, December 24, 2018

Chinese Scholar’s Advice on China’s Reform Was Blocked

Wu Jinglian, a well-known Chinese economist, recently gave advice in ten areas of China’s reform. He stated the direction of China’s reform can only be in market-orientation, the rule of law, and democracy, but not anything else. However, the authorities soon took his article down from the Internet.

Wu’s advise included the following:

One, establishing a market-oriented, rule of law society is the only direction for China’s reform; anything besides that will not help China.

Two, to avoid a social crisis, the authorities must truly advance the reform focusing on a market-driven economy, the rule of law, and democracy. It should establish both an inclusive economic system and an inclusive political system. It should transition itself from an authoritative model to a democratic model. This is the only possible way out for China.

Three, the prerequisite for reform is to have real, practical discussions on the theory and practice of the reform.

Four, people must abandon the Soviet ideology which still has a strong imprint on the older generations. Some people use that to oppose reform.

Wu’s other advise included that it is very dangerous to let the government intervene in the market, especially to create some theory to justify that intervention’s legitimacy. Wu also pointed out the areas that lag behind in reform, such as the state-owned economic reform and the government’s administrative function reform. These are related to the political and governmental reform that is missing.

Source:, December 22, 2018

Korean Media: China Has Three More Ways to Retaliate against Canada

DW News reported that Yonhap News Agency, a Korean media, made a suggestion in an article that, in addition to the arrest of two Canadian citizens, China has three more ways to take revenge on Canada for its arrest of Huawei executive Meng Wanzhou.

China can hit Canada in the following three areas:

  • Real Estate: Despite the drop in Vancouver’s housing prices, some Chinese investors can choose to cancel or delay their plans to purchase Canadian properties.
  • Tourists: 680,000 Chinese visited Canada in 2017 and spent on average US $2,400 per person. If China restricts Chinese visitors from going to Canada, it will have some impact.
  • Trade: China is Canada’s second largest trade partner, after the U.S. There have been reports that the negotiation on the free trade treaty between China and Canada has been postponed.

Source: DW News, December 17, 2018

Huanqiu: Do Not Boycott U.S. Goods

Huanqiu, which is a subsidiary under People’s Daily, published an article asking the Chinese people not to boycott U.S. goods. This represents a rare positional shift for Huanqiu, which, since last month, has taken a hard line against the U.S. on the trade war between the U.S. and China.

The article stated that the American media have claimed that China has an ultimate weapon against the U.S., which is to mobilize the whole nation to boycott U.S. goods. “However, it could be a trap to hurt ourselves.”

“There is no ‘winner’ in a trade war. Each party tries to minimize its losses. That’s why China does not want to have a trade war and also why many U.S. main-stream media are against Trump on this.”

“American companies are already tightly integrated into China’s economy.” “They also play an important role in China’s economic and technology development.” The article concluded that boycotting American companies and goods will hurt China’s economy and factories.

Source: Sina, April 22, 2018

Kim Jong-un Sees off Train Carrying Chinese Victims

A Chinese tourist group got into a deadly accident on April 22 when their bus fell off a bridge in North Korea. Thirty-two people died and two were injured. On the morning of April 26, North Korea sent a special train to carry the bodies of the dead and to take the injured Chinese back to China. Kim Jong-un went to the train station to see the train off. He stepped on the train briefly to greet the wounded people.

{1} China News, April 26, 2018
{2} The China Press, April 23, 2018

More Fake GDP Numbers Reported in China

Xinhua reported that, recently, the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region and Tianjin City revised down their 2016 GDP numbers. Inner Mongolia adjusted down its public budget revenue by 26.3 percent, or 53 billion yuan (US$8.5 billion) and industrial added value down by 40 percent, or 290 billion yuan (US$46 billion). Tianjin lowered its Binhai District’s GDP from the previous amount of 1 trillion yuan (US$160 billion) down to 665 billion yuan (US$106 billion), a cut of one-third.

These are the second and third cases in which local governments have revised the 2016 level they reported for GDP. The first to admit reporting an inflated GDP was Liaoning Province in early 2017, when it said that its GDP in 2016 actually went down 23 percent from the 2015 level.

It has long been known that China inflates its GDP. Cheng Xiaonong, a political and economic researcher, provided two reasons why the local governments are now willing to admit faking GDP:

First, Xi Jinping’s administration no longer uses the GDP growth rate to evaluate local officials. The newly appointed officials feel that they don’t have to carry the weight that the incumbent left them because they may not be able to make that fake number anyhow. If they cut down the previous year’s number, they can show a growth in their years.

Second, with a lower GDP, the local government can show the central government that they had less money and can request more financial help from the central government.


1. Xinhua, January 21, 2018
2. Epoch Times, January 20, 2018

Apple Hands over Its iCloud Accounts to Chinese Servicer

Apple announced that, starting on February 28, it will hand over its iCloud service for Chinese customers to a Chinese company. The company taking over the service is one that the Guizhou Provincial government owns called Guizhou Cloud Big Data (GCBD). GCBD will be responsible for the iCloud operations serving customers in China and also responsible for legal and financial relations with those customers.

This has triggered many concerns over data privacy. Chinese companies are known to share customer data with the government, either voluntarily or involuntarily.

Apple has given China-based users the option of deleting their data, but no option to store their data any other place.

The company TechCrunch found that, when the iCloud setting is set to China, the accounts to be handed over will also include “iCloud accounts that were opened in the U.S., are paid for using U.S. dollars and/or are connected to U.S.-based App Store accounts.”

“One user did find an apparent way to opt-out. It requires such users to switch their iCloud account back to China, then sign out of all devices. They then switch their phone and iCloud settings to the U.S. Then, upon signing back into iCloud, their account will (supposedly) not be part of the migration.”


1. People’s Daily, January 10, 2018
2., January 11, 2018
Apple’s China iCloud data migration sweeps up international user accounts

Sri Lanka Leased Its Territory to China

The Sri Lanka government leased its strategic port Hambantota on the Indian Ocean to China for 99 years as it was stressed because of the financial loans that China provided.

China has been providing financial loans to many countries in South Asia, Central Asia, and Africa, especially under its “One Belt, One Road” initiative. Sri Lanka owed Chinese State-Owned Enterprises a total debt of US$8 billion and was unable to pay the money back. Therefore, it resorted to leasing out its land in repayment of its debt.

Source: Duowei, December 14, 2017