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Hong Kong Military Parade Soldiers Responded “Greetings, Chairman”

There was a change at the military parade in Hong Kong. When Xi Jinping greeted the parade block as “Greetings, Comrade,” the soldiers responded “Greetings, Chairman.” In the past, the Communist regime has always used the response of “Greetings, Leading Cadre.”

The soldiers’ new greeting to Xi in Chinese is “主席好.” “主席” can refer either to the title of Central Military Commission (CMC) Chairman or the title of President of China. Xi holds both titles.

Lianhe Zaobao gave two interpretations: One was that it showed that Xi had obtained absolute power over the military, so he preferred to be called by his title “Chairman” (of the CMC).

Another interpretation was that “Chairman” is much easier for Hong Kong people to accept than the term “Leading Cadre.” “Leading Cadre” is a word used in Party culture.

Source: Lianhe Zaobao, June 30, 2017

Oriental Network: Xi Jinping’s Three Major Campaigns in the Past Five Years

Hong Kong Oriental Network published a commentary on three major campaigns that Xi Jinping has conducted in the past five years since he took the top leadership role in China. All these battles were against established interest groups and were met with many objections; yet Xi has been able to carry on the fight.

The first one was whether the (head of the) Party directs the “gun” or the “gun” directs the Party. During Hu Jintao’s era, Hu did not have control over the military or the police and the legal system. Guo Boxiong, Xu Caihou (two Vice Chairmen of the Central Military Commission) and Zhou Yongkang (head of the Political and Legal Affairs Committee) had the real power and ignored Hu. Xi fought several fierce battles to take them down and reclaim control.

The second one was whether the (head of the) Party directs the “money” or the “money” directs the Party. Though huge wealth has been generated in China, it has largely been concentrated in the hands of the families of high-ranking officials. For example, businessmen Che Feng (the son-in-law of Dai Xianglong, former Central Bank Governor and Tianjin Major), Xiao Jianhua (said to be linked to former top official Zeng Qinghong’s son Zeng Wei), Wu Xiaohui (ex-husband of Deng Xiaoping’s grand granddaughter and said to have connections with Zeng Qinghong), and Huang Rulun (said to have a good connection with a former top official Jia Qinglin) have, through their political connections, not only accumulated huge wealth, but also a lot of political power.

The third battle is whether to let the people have money or to let officials have money. Before Xi, it was the officials, not the people, who accumulate a lot of wealth. Xi has been trying to limit the officials’ power and has asked them to report their wealth.

Source: Oriental Network, June 26, 2017

Apple Daily: Xi’s Visit to Hong Kong Showed Intense CCP In-Fighting

Xi Jinping’s visit to Hong Kong featured unprecedented security measures, including extremely tightened security controls, the Liaoning aircraft carrier’s visit to Hong Kong, and a last-minute decision on which hotel to use. Apple Daily commented that this is due to the Communist Party’s fierce in-fighting.

“The threat to Xi’s safety is, for sure, not from Hong Kong demonstrators, the non-existent Hong Kong separatists, or the overseas extreme religious or separatist forces. Rather, it is from the Communist Party’s power struggle.”

Reason one, for over a month, Liao Xiaobo had been diagnosed with late term liver cancer. The government had successfully hidden the information for so long but then let it leak two days before Xi’s visit to Hong Kong. It was similar to a setup for Hu Jintao when he visited Hong Kong in 2012.

Reason two was that the Xi had plans A and B for two hotels to stay at. It was not until the last minute that they decided to change hotels, creating great chaos for the media and the Hong Kong police. “This arrangement showed a distrust of the internal population rather than the outside people.” “This made people want to link to Li Keqiang’s visit to Beijing University in April where the officials sent divers to search the lake at the university and used a special car to deliver food to Li when he dined at the cafeteria.”

“This arrangement let the outside world realize that the Communist Party’s power struggle has come to the point of life or death for its leaders.”

Source: Apple Daily, July 1, 2017.

Liberty Times: American Investors Stop Investing in China

Liberty Times reported that the wealthy American investor Tim Draper announced that he has stopped investing in China or in any companies headquartered in China, due to difficulties in getting money out of China.

Draper is a famous investor from the United States. In the past, he successfully invested in Tesla, Hotmail, and Skype.

In the past few years, China has experienced a slowdown in economic growth and in money outflow. To reduce the pressure on Renminbi devaluation and save its foreign reserves that have been dropping rapidly, Beijing has taken a series of actions since November of last year to tighten the control of capital, preventing companies from sending money out of China.

Itamar Har-Even, the Co-CEO of Ion Pacific, a Hong Kong consulting company for investment banking and funds management, thinks that China’s capital control has hurt many companies’ global investment desires. He said, “We have spent a lot of time (thinking about) how to get money out of China.”

Source: Liberty Times Net, June 7, 2017

Chinese Helicopter Crossed Sino-Indian Border before Xi’s Meeting with Modi

On June 4, a People’s Liberation Army (PLA) helicopter flew inside India’s Arunachal Pradesh and made a landing. It then returned five minutes later. Both China and India claim this region, but it is currently under India’s control.

The Indian government strongly protested the border crossing and stated that, in the upcoming meeting with Xi Jinping, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi would demand an explanation from China’s President Xi.

Xi and Modi then met at the Shanghai Cooperation Organization on June 9. It is not clear whether Modi requested an explanation.

An earlier incident occurred in 2014. While Xi was visiting India and was about to meet Modi to negotiate an investment of $20 billion, the PLA army crossed the China-Indian border and camped on the Indian side. Many people think that Xi’s political opponents in China set up the incident.

Source: DW News, June 5, 2017

Wu Chi-wai: China Is Changing the “One Country, Two Systems” in Hong Kong

July 1 will be the twentieth anniversary of Hong Kong’s return to China. The Democratic Party in Hong Kong held a forum on June 11 to discuss the “One Country, Two Systems” situation in Hong Kong.

Wu Chi-wai, the Chairman of the Democratic Party said, “From the 2014 (Beijing’s) People’s Congress’ whitepaper on implementing the ‘One Country, Two Systems’ in Hong Kong to the speech that Zhang Dejiang (Chairman of the People’s Congress) gave recently, you can see that the central government has a general goal: to use a series of approaches to effect the gradual conversion of the hidden powers (of the central government), as defined in the Basic Law, into truly effective, clear, standardized, and enforceable powers (for the central government). This is having a big impact on (the principles of) ‘One Country, Two Systems’ that ‘Hongkongese rely on to manage Hong Kong’ and its ‘High-degree of self-determination.’”

Wu expressed that C.Y. Leung has long been claiming a severe “Hong Kong Independence” issue. This has given the Communist Regime in China an excuse to interfere in Hong Kong’s internal affairs.


1. YouTube, June 11, 2017, June 11, 2017
2. New Tang Dynasty TV, June 14, 2017

Xi Jinping Authorized New Medals for the PLA

On June 12, Xi Jinping, Chairman of the Central Military Commission, authorized the issuance of the “August 1 Medal” to the People’s Liberation Army’s (PLA’s) staff. August 1 is the PLA’s Army Day.

This is the third time that the PLA will be awarded medals. The previous two times were in 1955 and 1988, by Mao Zedong and Deng Xiaoping, respectively.

Source: Xinhua, June 12, 2017

Ten Officials from the Financial Oversight Offices Were Taken Down

Xi Jinping and Wang Qishan expanded the anti-corruption campaign into the financial sector this year.  The Communist Party’s Central Commission on Discipline Inspection (CCDI) listed 53 officials in the financial sector who have been taken down since 2012. Among them, ten were from the four top financial oversight offices: the Central Bank (People’s Bank of China), China Banking Regulatory Commission (CBRC), China Securities Regulatory Commission (CSRC), and the China Insurance Regulatory Commission (CIRC).

Among those ten, five were from the CSRC, four from CBRC, and one from CIRC. However, the CIRC official held the highest rank: Xiang Junbo (项俊波), Chairman of the CIRC. No one from the Central Bank was taken down.

Source: Phoenix New Media, May 7, 2017