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Ming Pao: China’s Tax and Spending Dilemma

Hong Kong based Ming Pao reported on June 28 that the latest Chinese statistics showed the government has less income from tax but is spending more. The government’s official response is to reduce spending on car purchases, receptions, officials’ visits (tours) of other countries, and construction of government buildings. However, given the massive corruption in China, it is impossible to control the government’s spending. The other option is to increase taxes, but that also presents big challenges, as the government promised the public that it would reduce the tax burden to stimulate the economy’s growth. Therefore, the government is trapped.

Source: Ming Pao, June 28, 2009

Nanfang Weekends: Revamp China Nuclear War Strategy, Because U.S. and Russia Are “Attack First”

Nanfang Weekends published several articles arguing that China should change its strategy of using nuclear weapons. It reported that China is surrounded by “Nuclear Superpowers” and “Nuclear Small Powers.” These countries have encircled China with a total of 22,500 nuclear war heads. China’s military strategic experts have a consensus on war tactics once a nuclear war starts, but there have been many debates over China’s overall nuclear weapons strategy. China’s current position, as stated in the 2008 China Defense White Book, is “limited retaliation.” But as other nuclear superpowers keep adjusting their nuclear war strategy, for example, both the U.S. and Russia’s strategies are “attack first” now, China should reassess its strategy.

Source: Nanfang Weekends, June 17, 2009

Beijing Denies Bloggers Aliases

Beijing News reported on June 17 that Beijing is taking several Internet control measures. All Web site owners, editors, and bloggers need to provide their real names when registering. By the end of this year, Beijing will establish a ten-thousand volunteer Internet patrol team to monitor websites. All websites with permits for publication of audio-visual programs through the Internet or other information networks will go through information review, publication management, recording, and retaining processes. The Beijing Public Security Department will develop Internet filtering software for computers at Internet Cafes, schools, and in the home.

Source: Beijing News, June 17, 2009

International Herald: U.S. Didn’t Expect a Color Change in Iran

The International Herald, a newspaper under the Xinhua News Agency, published an article on June 22 stating that U.S. didn’t have much hope for a “Green Revolution” in Iran in the first place. “Was the U.S. tired of the games of changing ‘colors’ for other countries? Of course not. The U.S. has other reasons for not starting a ‘Green Revolution’ in Iran.”

First, “Washington has been fully retreating from the Middle East.” “Under the strategy of avoiding conflict and seeking peace, the U.S. would not rashly test the waters in Iran.” “Second, even if Obama wanted to change the color in Iran, he couldn’t make it happen” because “U.S. has no agents in Iran” and “of course, the empty wallet is another reason.” “Third, there is no reason for the U.S. to have confidence in Mousavi and his ‘reformists.’” “The last reason is a conspiracy theory. Actually the U.S. needs Ahmadinejad more than Mousavi … because the U.S. needs an enemy in the Middle East. Where can it find a ‘better’ enemy than Ahmadinejad?”

Source: International Herald, June 22, 2009

Nankang Protest Stopped New Tax Law

On June 15, more than 10,000 people gathered in front of City Hall of Nankang, Jiangxi Province to protest the new law increasing the tax burden on furniture sales, which is the city’s main industry. Right after the protest, under the Party Secretary of Jiangxi Proinvce’s direction, the Nankang city government issued orders to terminate all measures related to the tax law immediately. He announced the decision through radio, television, text message, and the Internet.

Epoch Times pointed out that it is very rare to see the government give in to public opinion so quickly, indicating that the government fears that hte local group event will trigger nationwide turmoil. Nevertheless, on June 22, Jiangxi-China, under the Propaganda Department, Jiangxi Province Party Committee, published an article stating that “it is the people’s voice” to “go after the organizers and planners of the event.”

[1] Epoch Times, June 17, 2009
[2] Xinhua, June 16, 2009
[3] Jiangxi-China, June 22, 2009

China Developed a New Pilotless Plane

China News Agency reported that China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation, a major defense manufacturer in China, showcased a newly developed pilotless plane. The new plane, Blade, was shown at the 2009 Exhibition of Equipment for Emergency Response and Rescue and Security System Technology on June 16, 2009.

The report did not provide military applicaiton of Blade. It mentioned that it is a multifunction pilotless plane and can be used for aerial photography, aerial survey, coastal patrol, climate and environment monitoring, forest fire prevention and petroleum or electricity pipe line investigation. It is equipped with a 12 Kilowatt engine and propeller. Its speed during patrol is 120 Km/h, with maximum 4,000 meter flying altitude and 3 hours of cruise duration.

Source: China News Agency, June 17, 2009

70,000 Protesters Fought against Riot Police

Epoch Times reported that as many as 70,000 residents from Shishou City, Hubei Province protested in the streets and clashed with the police several times on June 19 and June 20. About ten thousand riot police were called in and conducted forced clean-up at 3 a.m. on June 21. The confrontations between the riot police and residents were recorded on mobile phone videos and still images appeared on websites.

The uprising was triggered by the mysterious death of Mr. Tu Yuangao, a 23-year-old cook at the Yonglong Hotel. It was reported that Mr. Tu was killed after finding out that the hotel owner, the head of the local public security bureau, and the wife of the head of the court were smuggling and selling drugs. Local residents went to the hotel to support Mr. Tu’s family’s request for a fair investigation. They stopped the police several times from forcibly taking Mr. Tu’s body.

China censored all reports about this incident on the Internet. On July 20, the article China News Agency published instead was titled “Several Departments in Shishou City, Hubei Province Held a Joint Commuter Bus Fire Drill.” 

[1] Epoch Times, June 20, 2009
[2] Epoch Times, June 21, 2009
[3] China News Agency, June 20, 2009

Chinese Academy of Sciences Establishes China’s Bio-Resource Strategy

Xinhua reported that on June 10 the Chinese Academy of Sciences announced China’s bio-resource technology development road map to 2050. The road map outlined six strategic paths to transform China from a bio-resource large country to a bio-resource and bio-economy super power.

1. Photosynthesis mechanism research and bio-plants’ light power utilization improvement, to achieve large scale application and commercialization of renewable bio-energy
2. Bio-energy research and energy plant production base establishment, to achieve large scale commercial application of bio-energy, reducing oil imports by 30%
3. Development and utilization of micro-organisms and related industry chains
4. Sustainable development and usage of strategic bio-resources
5. Gene sequence and gene resources research
6. Bionic material and technology research.

Source: Xinhua, June 6, 2009