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Defense Intelligence Agency Forms a “China Mission Group”

The Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) is a combat support agency of the United States Department of Defense, which specializes in defense and military intelligence. It is establishing a “China mission group” to monitor China. The agency is pulling analysts and experts together to form the group and to produce, analyze, and disseminate military intelligence regarding China. This new mission group is expected to reach full operational capacity early next year.

This group reflects the U.S. strategy shift toward China and the Indo-Pacific after its decades of fighting and counterterrorism efforts in the Middle East.

The DIA plans to move more resources to the Pacific, including people, communications, and information technology. It has already started talks with friendly countries in the region regarding extending the agency’s footprint.

Source: NTDTV, November 30, 2022

Foreign Money Leaving China: 8.8 Billion Dollars in October and One Hundred Billion in (the previous)Nine Months

The Institute of International Finance estimated that foreign investors pulled out 8.8 billion dollars from China’s financial market in October. Among that, 7.6 billion was from the stock market and 1.2 billion was from the bond market. Several regions were gaining capital investment, including Asia (excluding-China) (5.6 billion dollars), Latin America (2.6 billion dollars), and Europe (2.3 billion dollars).

Since the Russia’s invasion of Ukraine in February, about 105 billion dollars has been pulled out from China’s bond portfolio.

Source: Epoch Times, November 9, 2022

China Canceled Video Speech by EU Council President at Shanghai Trade Expo

The Chinese authorities blocked a video by European Council President Charles Michel. It was not allowed to be shown on November 4 at the opening ceremony of the China International Import Expo (CIIE), a major trade expo in Shanghai. Beijing had planned to show Michel’s speech along with those from other foreign dignities, including the managing director of the International Monetary Fund, the director-general of the World Trade Organization, and the presidents of Indonesia, Sri Lanka, and Belarus.

However, in his pre-recorded video speech, the European Council president asked China to take the right side on the Russia-Ukraine war. Michel said, “China has a role in using its influence to stop Russia’s brutal war … through your so-called ‘no-limits’ partnership with Russia.” “You, China, can help put an end to this.”  His video also warned about Europe becoming overly dependent on Russia or China. “In Europe, we want balance in our trade relations  … in order to avoid over-dependencies,” Michel said. “This is also true of our trade relations with China.”

Michel’s office asked China for an explanation.

Source: China News, November 8, 2022

China Released 20 Measures on the Control of COVID

The Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP’s) Politburo held a meeting on November 10 to review its COVID policy, including 20 measures it proposed on “optimizing” the  control of COVID. The next day, the State Council published the 20 measures.

Some highlights of the new rules are:

Measure #1: Those who had close contact with a COVID patient will follow the “5+3” rule (five days of centralized quarantine followed by an additional three days of home quarantine) instead of the current “7+3” rule.

Measure #2: Stop identifying the second-level contacts (people who had contact with the people who had contact with COVID a patient)

Measure #3: People from high-risk regions going to other places will follow a seven-day home quarantine instead of the current centralized quarantine.

Measure #4: Adjust region’s risk level from “high-media-low” to “high-low.” High-risk is narrowed to a building or a unit (in the past the control was more limited to the residential community which usually is a walled residential compound with many buildings within).

Measure #6: Regions with no COVID cases do not need to have all-people PCR test. The “two tests per day” or “three tests per day” practices will be stopped.

Measure #7: Eliminate the inbound flight meltdown mechanism (stop the airline’s next flight(s) if COVID patients were detected on the current flight). Passengers only need to provide one negative COVID test in the past 48 hours (instead of two negative tests).

Measure #10: People coming into China from other countries will follow the “5+3” rule instead of the current “7+3” rule.

Measure #12: Promote COVID vaccinations.

1. People’s Daily, November 10, 2022
2. People’s Daily, November 12, 2022

The CCP Conducted More Interference in Canada’s Election Than any Other Country

According to the Canadian media, the Global News’ report on November 7, Canadian intelligence officials warned Prime Minister Justin Trudeau that China has allegedly interfered in Canada’s elections, including funding a clandestine network of at least 11 federal candidates running in the 2019 election.

The Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS) reported that the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP’s) efforts in interfering in Canada’s election included payments through intermediaries to candidates affiliated with the CCP, placing their agents into the offices of Members of Parliament (MPs) in order to influence policy, seeking to co-opt and corrupt former Canadian officials, and mounting aggressive campaigns to punish Canadian politicians whom the CCP views as threats to its interests.

The intelligence report asserts that China conducts more foreign interference than any other nation.

In 2019, China’s Consulate in Toronto directed a large clandestine transfer of funds to a network of at least eleven federal election candidates and to numerous Beijing operatives who worked as the candidate’s campaign staffers. The funds were allegedly transferred through an Ontario provincial MPP and a federal election candidate staffer. Separate sources who are aware of the situation said a CCP proxy group, acting as an intermediary, transferred around $250,000 to these candidates and staffers.

Some, but not all, members of that alleged network were willing affiliates of the CCP.

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said on the same day, apparently in response to the Global News’ report, that China and other countries are finding ways to interfere with the Canadian democratic system. The Canadian government has taken strong measures to prevent this. The government established a special committee of senior officials to handle foreign interference during the two federal elections in 2019 and 2022.

1. Global News, November 7, 2022

Canadian intelligence warned PM Trudeau that China covertly funded 2019 election candidates: Sources

2. Radio Canada, November 8, 2022新闻/1931263/中国-干涉-资助-加拿大候选人-政府措施

Researcher: China May Have Inflated Its GDP By 30 Percent

Luis Martinez, Assistant Professor at the University of Chicago, published a research paper with a model to analyze a country’s economy. He used the brightness of lights at night from satellite images as a proxy indicator of economic activity. Martinez reasoned that more economic development leads to more infrastructure development, including more streetlights and buildings and more lights. He then compared the stable and credible democracy countries to authoritarian regimes and found that the latter overstate their economy by 30 to 35 percent.

Martinez’s model showed that China’s might have exaggerated its GDP by one-third.

A 2019 report by the Brookings Institution was in agreement with Martinez’s conclusion. It suggested that China overstated its economic growth by 2 percent each year and thus its actual economic volume was 12 percent smaller than the official number.

Source: VOA, November 1, 2022

After the Confucius Institute, the CCP Switched to Promoting the Lu Ban Workshop

The Chinese Communist Party has been promoting the “Lu Ban Workshop (鲁班工坊)” in countries along the path of its Belt & Road Initiative (BRI).

Launched by the Tianjin Municipal Government, the Lu Ban Workshops are named after Lu Ban, a famous Chinese craftsman. They provide vocational education, from mechatronics to applied electronics, and from automation to robotics, to residents of hosting countries, with a focus on local needs.

Xi Jinping has personally promoted the Lu Ban Workshop on several occasions, including at his meetings with presidents from the target countries.

The first workshop was established in Thailand in 2016. There are now 25 Lu Ban Workshops in 19 countries, including Egypt, Ethiopia, India, Pakistan, Thailand, Portugal, and in Central Asian countries.

The Lu Ban Workshop has essentially the same export model as the Confucius Institute: Chinese vocational and technical schools seek local partners in targeted countries and offer courses in those local schools to teach skills related to Chinese standards.

There has been growing concern over the Confucius Institutes as they promote the CCP ideology and impose CCP policy at the local partner school. In the past few years, there has been a wave of interest in closing Confucius Institutes and 104 of the 118 Confucius Institutes at U.S. universities have been closed.

Source: VOA, November 6, 2022


Two Hundred Million Chinese Face the Risk of Being Locked Down

Nomura Securities estimated that by October 24, 28 cities in China, including Guangzhou, Wuhan, and others had various levels of lock down control, impacting a possible 200 million people living in these cities.

Instead of locking down an entire city, China has been locking down sub-regions inside the city based on where the COVID patients live and where they have been. About 1 million people in Wuhan were locked in at home. After reporting 73 cases on October 27, Guangzhou intensified its lockdown. Fuzhou City, Fujian Province locked down 36 colleges and universities.

Xinjiang and Tibet continue to be the major disaster areas. Many hotels have refused to take visitors coming from Xinjiang, Tibet, and Inner Mongolia as hotel guests.

Source: Radio Free Asia, October 28, 2022