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China Is Building Its Influence In Central Asia

The French newspaper Le Monde published an article on how China is building up its influence in Central Asia. Russia used to provide military security guarantees to the countries there that were former republics of the USSR. However, as Russia is trapped and weakened in the Ukraine war, it has started losing its grip in Central Asia. Recently confrontations between Armenia and Azerbaijan and between Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan demonstrated that Russia is not very effective as the police there.

On the other hand, China’s influence is growing. Beijing is the dominant economic power in that region. Its involvement in the past related more to grabbing local natural resources, such as Kazakhstan’s uranium and oil and Turkmenistan’s natural gas. It has also built up its influence through the Belt and Road Initiative. Now, Beijing is expanding to the security field. It supports these countries to be more independent and to have less control from Russia.

Source: Radio France International, October 20, 2022专栏检索/法国世界报/20221020-趁俄罗斯受到削弱,中国正在中亚布网络,准备伏击


How Did the 20th Party Congress Pick the Central Committee Members?

Radio Free Asia published an article by Cheng Xiaonong, a Chinese political commentator, on how the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) selected its Central Committee members for the 20th Party Congress.

Xi Jinping started planning the candidate selection work at the end of 2020. Three months later, Xi held a Politburo Standing Committee meeting and a Politburo meeting to  launch the 20th Party Congress Cadres Evaluation Leading Group officially, with him the head of the group. Xi allocated quotas to each province and ministry.

The CCP Central Organization Department started the cadres evaluations in July 2021. It sent out 45 evaluation teams, in three batches, to 31 provinces, 124 central and state apparatuses and state-owned enterprises. The Central Military Commission also sent eight evaluation teams to 25 central units and theaters.

The evaluation results were presented to the Politburo for review. Xi called six politburo standing committee hearings on the evaluation report. In the end, Xi made the call on candidates.

The list was finalized at the CCP politburo standing committee on September 7. The vote had two steps. First, a 222-member list was given to the 20th Congress representatives to vote for 205 positions. Second, the representatives were given a 205-member list to vote for 205 members.

It is not very clear whether the ballot would still be valid if someone wrote any name on it that was outside the “official” list, but that “off the list” candidate for surely wouldn’t be elected.

Source: Radio Free Asia, October 28, 2022

China Places Airplane Order with Airbus Despite Big Airline Losses

After ordering 292 Airbus planes in July, China added another 40 planes in September, making the order total 332 planes for US $42.1 billion. The orders were placed by China Southern Airlines, Air China, and China Eastern Airlines.

However, China’s civil aviation industry has accumulated a loss of nearly 300 billion yuan (US $41 billion) since the COVID pandemic, with a loss of 108.9 billion yuan (US $15 billion) in the first half of this year alone. There are 12 Chinese airlines whose total assets are lower than their total debts.

The ordered Airbus planes are the A320NEO series plane, a narrow-body mainline airliner. China has manufactured its own narrow-body mainline airliner, the C919, and started selling it overseas.

Source: Epoch Times, October 15, 2022

Concerns about Using China-made Security Scanning Equipment in Strasbourg, France

Three members of the European Parliament, Bart Groothuis, Nathalie Loiseau, and Reinhard Bütikofer, sent a letter to Strasbourg, France regarding the use of China-made baggage scanning equipment at the Strabourg airport. They asked for an independent investigation to see if the technology of the manufacturer Nuctech  caused spy risk. Groothuis also expressed concern that the airport may have to rely on a Chinese company for innovation, maintenance, and technical support.

Nuctech is a partially state-owned security inspection products company in China. Its products include X-ray scanning materials and sensors for use at ports and airports. The U.S. Department of Commerce’s Bureau of Industry and Security (BIS) put China on its blacklist in 2020.

The Strasbourg Airport signed a contract with French distributor DETEKT’IN in early October, in which DETEKT’IN will supply and maintain Nuctech’s equipment at the airport.

Some other French airports, such as Bordeaux, have already used Nuctech’s equipment.

Source: Epoch Times, October 15, 2022

Chinese Violence: Its Diplomats Dragged Protesters Inside Its Consulate to Beat Them

On Sunday, China’s consul-general and other staff members of the Manchester Consulate in England attacked protesters outside their facility and dragged a man inside their compound so they could beat him. As the situation heated up, China continued its wolf warrior approach and lodged representations to the U.K. to demand the protection of its diplomats.

On Sunday, a group of Hong Kong activists held a peaceful protest outside the Chinese Consulate. In response to their peaceful protest, a group of men, wearing masks, came out of the consulate gate and started beating them. The consulate staff members even dragged one protester inside the consulate grounds to assault him further. U.K. police intervened and pulled the man out.

The victim, Bob Chan, explained, “I was pulled inside and was beaten up.”  He had injuries to one of his eyes, and pain in his head and back. He said, “The worst is that near my spine there are some internal injuries and it still hurts when I sit down.”

Scenes of the attack were videotaped and widely viewed online. The British were shocked by the Chinese diplomats’ actions.

British Foreign Secretary James Cleverly told Sky News that the episode was “absolutely unacceptable” as the protests were “peaceful and legal.” James pointed out, “They were on British soil.”

British Foreign Office summoned Chinese charge d’affaires Yang Xiaoguang on Tuesday. “Today we have made our view clear to the Chinese authorities: the right to peaceful protest in the UK must be respected,” said foreign office minister Zac Goldsmith.

China countered toughly.

Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Wang Wenbin said at the media conference on Wednesday that China lodged representations to the UK. “We hope that the UK will earnestly fulfill its responsibility and take effective measures to strengthen the protection of the premises and staff of Chinese embassy and consulates in the UK,” Wang said.

Zheng Xiyuan, China’s consul-general at Manchester, who was videotaped for coming to the protesters, kicking the banner, and pulling Bob’s hair, told Sky News that he was at the demonstration “peacefully.” “He (Bob Chan) was abusing my country, my leader, I think it’s my duty,” said Zheng.

In a letter sent to Greater Manchester Police, Zheng stated the banners featured a “volume of deeply offensive imagery and slogans,” including a picture of the Chinese president Xi Jinping with a noose around his neck. He also stated that he was disappointed police didn’t do more to help the consulate and claimed his staff were under attack.

1. Radio France International, October 19, 2022国际/20221019-中国称就驻英领馆港人被打事件向英方-提出交涉
2. Radio Free Asia, October 18, 2022
3. Sky News, October 20, 2022
4. Global Times, October 19, 2022

Possible Methods for the CCP to Interfere on Taiwan’s Election

Taiwan will hold its election on November 26. Included will be local public service positions, the mayor, county executive, city and county council members, and others.

Su Ziyun, Director of the Defense Strategy and Resources Studies, Institute for National Defense and Security Research, told the Epoch Times that the U.S. has confirmed that the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has interfered in a number of other countries’ elections. The CCP spent at least several billion dollars to intrude directly or indirectly in other countries’ political operations, using agents such as the Confucius Institute.

Su thinks that the CCP has three methods to interfere in Taiwan’s election this year. One, spread specific information, via their agents in Taiwan, to shift voter’s minds. Two, force Taiwan business people who are doing business in China to state publicly that they support certain candidates. Three, use Taiwan’s local associations, such as agricultural and fishery associations, temple systems, and whatever they can, to impact the support for local candidates.

Source: Epoch Times, October 9, 2022

CCP Requested Foreign Diplomat’s Missions in Hong Kong to Hand in Building Floor Plans

According to Financial Times, in the past few months, China’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs requested foreign diplomat’s  missions in Hong Kong to submit their real estate information, including floor plans. The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) also wants to collect and review their leases and/or sales contracts.

Diplomats from these foreign countries are concerned that the CCP’s request will jeopardize the security of their buildings and their properties.

Source: Radio France International, October 4, 2022港澳台/20221004-中国据报要求驻港外交使团提供所有房产资料