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Tension between Population and Resources will Remain

The Director of the Chinese National Population and Family Planning Commission recently suggested in a forum that, for a long period of time, the tension among the Chinese population, natural resources and the environment will remain. On one hand, a stable low birth rate ensures a preferred “population environment” for the long run; on the other hand, too high or too low a growth rate will break the balance of a healthy social development. With the current population growth trend, the Chinese population is having an annual net growth of 8 million people. It is projected that the number will peak at 1.5 billion in 2033. The solution to balancing the population and resources is believed to be speeding up the adjustment of the development model.

Source Xinhua, July 16, 2010

Xinhua: Four Obstacles for Remodeling the Chinese Economy

Xinhua recently republished an article by Economic Information Daily that discussed the reason that China could not adjust to the right track of an economic development model. The author of the original article is the well-known Chinese economist Wu Jinglian. Wu believes there are four primary obstacles to the reform: (1) various levels of the government still control some important powers over resource allocation; (2) GDP growth is still the primary indicator for measuring of government performance; (3) the financial situation of the government is heavily connected to the growth of material products; (4) market power is very much constrained in terms of resource configurations.

Source: Xinhua, July 16, 2010

Xinhua: IEA Number not Believable

Xinhua recently reported on a swift Chinese response to the IEA’s (International Energy Agency) published number regarding Chinese energy consumption in 2009. The Chinese National Energy Administration (NEA) commented that the IEA number is “inaccurate.” IEA believed that China’s energy consumption in 2009 was the equivalent of 2.252 billion tons of oil, which was the highest in the world and was 4% higher than the United States. Chinese NEA official suggested that IEA is a “rich countries’ club,” and its number “cannot be believed.”  According to the number published by the Chinese National Bureau of Statistics, the figure was 2.132 billion.

Source: Xinhua, July 20, 2010

Renmin: Punishing Failures in Guiding Public Opinion

The National Conference on Propaganda Work in the Court System was held on July 27. The Supreme People’s Court required a risk assessment system to be established on the issue of public opinion. The system is to control the initiative taken on guiding public opinion. In the meantime, a corresponding performance evaluation mechanism will be established as well; rewards and penalties will be granted accordingly. For those who are responsible for a major negative impact caused by their failure to control public opinion, punishment will be meted out. The Political Department of the Supreme People’s Court is planning training sessions for spokesmen and propaganda workers across all levels of the court system nationwide.

Source: People Net, July 27, 2010

CRN: Chinese Army Transporting Mechanized Equipment via Highway

China Review News recently reported that, for the first time, the Chinese Army used the highway system to transport mechanized equipment. The Beijing Military Region was the one that managed this mission. Heavy equipment was loaded onto Rubble Wheel Heavy Equipment Transportation Vehicles with design capabilities of 555 kilometers. This latest type of vehicle has a maximum capacity of 50 tons. The equipment transported on this mission ranged from 12.8 tons to 38.5 tons. The mission did no damage the highway’s surface. Traditional Chinese Army land transportation methods are limited to equipment self-mobility, which damages the road, as well as railway transportation, which has a big range limitation of railway system coverage.

Source: China Review News, July 30, 2010

CRN: Two Major Strategies for Rebalancing China-US Economy

China Review News (CRN) recently reviewed an article published by China Securities Journal, discussing how to rebalance the China-US trade relationship. The article recommended four policies: (1) invest directly in the US; (2) diversify export markets; (3) adjust the foreign investment structure; (4) acquire international natural resources. The article also suggested four reforms: (1) reform the structure of the economy; (2) reform the mechanism of growth (to be more consumer-driven); (3) reform pricing of the factors of production, such as land; (4) speed up the urbanization process. In conclusion, the article called for implementation of two financial strategies: (1) establish a multilayer capital market system in order to obtain international pricing power for commodities; (2) speed up the process of RMB internationalization.

Source: China Review News, July 14, 2010

Xinhua: Chinese News Information Standardization Committee Established

On July 15, the Chinese News Information Standardization Committee met for the first time in Beijing and announced the worldwide release of 2 new Chinese standards: Chinese News Markup Language and the Classification and Coding of Chinese News. This is an attempt to unite and streamline the “information orphan islands” scattered around the globe that include domestic and international Chinese language news media. The goals of the committee include improving Chinese language competitiveness in the global information product market, improving China’s international information distribution capabilities, and breaking the “public opinion monopoly” of the West. Xinhua News Agency officially governs the Committee. The immediate next step in the Committee’s mission is to turn the standards into something that the Chinese lanuage media follow across the world.

Source: Xinhua, July 15, 2010

Shenzhou Spaceship Chief Architect Talks about Carrier Rockets

Dr. Qi Faren, who is the former Chief Architect of the Chinese Manned Space Operations Project and an Academician at the Chinese Academy of Engineering, recently announced that, in the year 2014, China will launch high-thrust rockets that can carry 20 tons of weight. Today, China can only send a few tons of cargo into outer space. High-thrust rockets have difficulty with land transportation due to their large size.

He also suggested that next year, China will send the 6-docking-port core portion of the Tiangong-1 space station into orbit and will launch Shenzhou Eight, Nine and Ten spaceships to dock with it. The plan is to complete the Chinese space station’s construction before the year 2020.

Source: Guangming, July 5, 2010