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Beijing Expert: Weaken the U.S. by Taking Advantage of US-Europe Discord

China Review News recently republished an article by an expert from the China Institute of Contemporary International Relations, Center for Strategic Studies. The article pointed out that the typical and wide use of the concept “The West,” which includes the United States, is a mistake. Taking the West as a strategic unity does not reflect the reality of the world’s structure. The author believes that, after the Cold War, the common enemy that the U.S. and Europe shared disappeared, and the U.S. pushed a new round of expansion. The recent EU debt crisis is also proof of the obvious U.S. intention of attacking the Euro. Even the recent U.S. military base conflict between the U.S. and Japan showed the deviation from the Japanese. The article suggested that the situation seems to offer a good opportunity for China to weaken U.S. power by taking advantage of any discord within “The West.”

Source: China Review News, July 2, 2010

PLA Daily: China Develops the Bei Dou GPS System

ChinaMil Net recently republished an article by PLA Daily introducing the Bei Dou System – China’s self-developed GPS system. The report is based on information provided by Dr. Qi Faren, who is the former Chief Architect and Designer of the Chinese Manned Space Operations Project, director of the Aerospace College of Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, an Academician for the International Academy of Astronautics (IAA), and an Academician for the Chinese Academy of Engineering. The report covered the architecture of the Bei Dou System, the satellite launching illustration, and a comparison of the four primary GPS systems in the world. The Bei Dou System is entirely based on Chinese intellectual property. By 2012, the system will cover the Asia-Pacific areas. Global coverage with more than 30 satellites is expected by 2020. The bi-directional short messaging capability is believed to be superior to the unidirectional US GPS system.

Source: ChinaMil Net, June 24, 2010

Xinhua: China’s New Submarines Finished Important Tests

Xinhua recently reported on the accomplishments of China’s new submarines, based on People’s Liberation Army Pictorial sources. Since the regularization of the Chinese Navy’s blue water training in April, new developments on the Navy’s side have kept rolling in. The recent successful completion of the latest submarine tests included extreme deep water operations, underwater high sailing speed tests, and deep water torpedo launches. All tests passed design and combat goals. The Chinese Navy considers the nuclear submarines the elite of the fleet and a strategic force underwater.

Source: Xinhua, June 25, 2010

SASAC: Not A Single World Class Brand

The director of the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council (SASAC), Li Rongrong, commented on June 25 that out of 125 national level state-owned companies, none has a world class brand. Despite the fact that China is the second largest industrial manufacturing country, Chinese companies have only become competitive on the low and mid-low end of manufacturing. National state-owned companies gained big improvements during the past several years. However, that was basically riding on the countrywide development wave. Li believes that these national companies are still weak on core competitiveness and lack independent innovations. Today, 70% of new industrial products are based on external technologies. Li announced that SASAC is establishing a new motivation system to help the state-owned companies improve, .

Source: China Review News, June 25, 2010

Xinhua: Internet War Has Threats beyond Virtual Reality

Xinhua recently published an article by a teacher of National Defense University on internet war. The article pointed out that, following the United States, France, Germany, Japan, India and South Korea all strengthened their research and established internet war theories as well as development plans. The author believed that internet war by itself created a new and independent warfare. The strategic war competition of Information Age is primarily internet war. The analysis of the form of internet war in the article is solely aiming the US, with all the data and discussions around US military infrastructure and activities. The author concluded that the development of internet war is determined by 3 factors: (1) militarization of the internet; (2) militarization of physical infrastructure network; (3) wireless interconnectivity. The military threats brought forward by internet war are beyond cyberspace.

Source: Xinhua, June 17, 2010

Bank of China Issued First RMB Debit Card in Zambia

With the approval of the Central Bank of Zambia, on June 14, Bank of China issued the first RMB debit card in all of Africa. The debit card is branded under UnionPay, which is the dominant credit card issuer in China. The theory behind this move is that typical international traveler’s checks only support seven western currencies, which are not accepted by most Chinese businesses. UnionPay is widely accepted in China. Thus the new debit card benefits the African customers visiting China. Bank of China in Zambia was approved to offer full RMB based services in 2009. Its RMB services include RMB accounts and RMB cash. Since the services were made available to the public this past March, the Bank has received total deposits of RMB 50 Million.

Source: Xinhua, June 15, 2010

People’s Daily: National ID Card Required by Wuhan Internet Bars

The police department of Wuhan City, the largest city in central China, has recently required a second generation national ID for anyone who wants to use the Internet bars in the city to get onto the Internet. This is a new movement by the Internet Monitoring and Administration Division of the police department, after waves of complete pre-checks, heavy penalties and a netizen report reward programs. This new wave is to ban all anonymous Internet access at the Internet bars. The police spent four days to visit all Internet bars in the city to enforce the regulation. The penalty for bars that refuse to cooperate is an order to be shut down.

Source: People’s Daily, June 16, 2010

Characteristics of New US Strategy

China Review News (CRN) recently republished an article from Outlook News Weekly discussing the newly published U.S. National Security Strategy. The article compared the new strategy with the Bush version published four years ago and summarized four new adjustments: (1) Anti-terrorism strategy has been significantly adjusted and the phrase “War against Terror” has been dropped; (2) The new strategy has a strong taste of multilateralism instead of the “cowboy foreign relations;” (3) The new strategy focuses on the domestic economy; (4) There are higher expectations on China to play a “responsible leadership role.”

The author senses strong worry by the Obama Administration about the decline of U.S. power. However, the article stated that the ultimate goal of the U.S. to dominatie the world remains unchanged.

Source: China Review News, June 8, 2010