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Development and Reform Commission Planning New Housing Market Policies

Xinhua recently republished a report by the Yangtze Evening Post, which is part of the Xinhua Network, on the news that the Development and Reform Commission is drafting “tougher” policies governing the housing market that will have a wider scope than the recent “National Ten Stipulations.” The timing of the announcement will be based on the evaluation of the effectiveness of the current round of housing market regulations. Sources say the new policies will attempt to define the role of the government in the market. It is believed that the “National Ten” is still fresh and the new policies should hold – though having a backup plan is necessary.

Source: Xinhua, May 15, 2010

Chinese Army General: How Do We Engage in War in the Future

China’s state news People’s Daily recently published a short article by Zhou Yaning, a major general and commander of a missile base of the Second Artillery. The article discussed real-life training for future wars. It focused on the necessity for deep understanding of what “real-life” means. The article points out a major mistake about understanding “real-life”: the lack of “enemy intelligence.” Zhou believes there are two cases in which the Army members often misunderstand the situation: (1) imagining the enemy by using past impressions, such as still keeping a “gun shooting group” at the launch field; (2) imagining the enemy situation according to an understanding from the movies. For example, commanders worry too much about satellite capabilities portrayed in a recent foreign movie.

Source: People’s Daily, May 7, 2010

Training for Directors of Municipal Bureaus for Letters and Calls Planned

China’s state news People’s Daily recently reported on the decision of the National Bureau for Letters and Calls (the government agency to receive and handle Chinese citizen’s petitions and appeals), that all municipal bureau directors will be trained in batches within two years. The municipal level of the Bureau is considered the key in the chain of work. The training focuses on four primary points: (1) enhancing bureau officers’ understanding of the mission and the political responsibility; (2) studying the new strategies by the Party Central Committee and the State Council; (3) improving the capabilities to handle social emergencies; (4) improving skills in guiding public opinion and dealing with the media.

Source: People’s Daily, May 13, 2010

CRN Editorial: US Starting Space Arms Race

China Review News (CRN) recently published an editorial commenting on the recent U.S. experimental launch of the X-37B orbit aircraft. The editorial admits that the technology demonstrated seems very advanced and promising – it should have a bright future. However, the author believes the new high end space technology is solely geared towards a “revolutionary military change,” which is a negative. The new space aircraft further breaks the current world security balance. The editorial predicted that this will trigger a new round in the arms race in the extended space field. The author also concluded that there is “no doubt” that this space aircraft is essentially targeting China. It is proof of a U.S. strategy switch from “nuclear deterrence” to a “non-nuclear deterrence.”

Source: China Review News, April 30, 2010

CASS: Five Tasks for Culture Industry Adjustments

The Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS) recently published the Culture Blue Book, which discusses tasks in the structural adjustments to the culture industry. The Blue Book suggests: (1) Adjust product structure, which should serve the need of both consumers and producers; (2) adjust enterprise organizational structure, which should encourage competition; (3) adjust ownership structure, which should introduce more diversity; (4) adjust technical structure, which pushes multi-layer technologies such as integrating networks of 3G mobile multimedia, the Internet, and traditional broadcasting networks; (5) adjust the regional distribution structure, which balances resources on a national level.

Source: Renmin, May 7, 2010

Research on Chinese Young Netizens Published

 Xinhua Recently reported on the results of research conducted by the China Internet Network Information Center (CNNIC) on young Chinese Netizens. The research shows that 50.7% of Chinese Netizens are people below 25 years of age. This section represents around 200 million individuals. It was discovered that 3G based mobile devices are the number one tool for the young Netizens to get on to the Internet. In 2009, 74% of the young Netizens used their cellphones to surf the Internet. That’s an increase of 73.5% from the previous year. Cellphone Internet access is especially popular in rural areas where computers are not widely available. The importance of “Internet bars,” as a place to get online, is on the decline. Usage decreased from 57.5% to 49.4%. The bars are more popular in rural areas. 

Source: Xinhua, May 11, 2010

Global Times: US Unqualified for Asking China for Nuclear Transparency

Global Times recently published an editorial on nuclear transparency. The editorial commented on the recent U.S. disclosure of its nuclear arsenal size, as well as the fact that the U.S. called for transparency with China’s name mentioned. Global Times believes this makes China “look morally shorter” and China should stay alert on U.S. intent. The article suggests that China’s strategic interest is to maintain a limited nuclear deterrence. Since China’s early warning capabilities are weak, it is in China’s best interest not to offer too much transparency. The editorial believes U.S. lip service does not qualify the United States to have the moral high ground to ask China for anything. 

Source: Global Times, May 7, 2010

Xinhua: Kim Jong-il Visited China

Xinhuan reported that Kim Jong-il made an informal visit to China between May 3 and May 7. He stopped in Beijing, Tianjin and Liaoning and met with all nine members of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CCP Central Committee. Hu Jintao proposed five suggestions in their conversation: (1) maintain top level contacts; (2) enhance strategic communication; (3) deepen trade cooperation; (4) extend culture exchanges; (5) improve coordination in international and regional affairs. Kim commented that the current core work of the North Korean Communist Party is to improve the living quality of the North Korean people. He also agreed that denuclearization of the Korean peninsula is still his policy. Establishing the positive conditions for returning to the Six Party Talks is also a priority. In his meeting with Kim, Wen Jiabao agreed to push trade cooperation, especially the projects with high priorities.

Source: Xinhua, May 7, 2010