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Foundation Laid for Chinese Large Aircraft Growth Facility

On January 12, construction begam om Minhang, Shanghai, for a Chinese Large Aircraft Development Facility. Project completion is earmarked for 2013. The building will have 300,000 square meters, and the cost will amount to RMB 3.23 billion.  

The primary mission for this center is research and development for the production of a 150-seat passenger aircraft C919 engine. It is projected that engines for 250-seat level aircraft will also be built in the future at that facility. It was reported that China is the third country, after the U.S. and France, that has the know-how and expertise to assemble world class aircraft engines.

Source: Xinhua, January 12, 2010

Tightened Media Engagement between Hong Kong, Macao and the Mainland

On December 29, Wang Chen, Director of State Council Information Office, said that in 2009, the relationship between Hong Kong and Macao media and the Mainland was tightening more and more. According to statistics by the Information Office, there are 19 HK/Macao media agencies with more than 80 reporters covering Mainland news. In 2009, these reporters delivered 1688 person-time work on important affairs. He emphasized the facts that HK/Macao reporters attended Mainland advanced trainings; and HK/Macao media provided strong support in tough situations such as the earthquake. Wang urged the reporters to follow the instructions from public opinion administrative officials when reporting emergency events.

Source: Xinhua, December 29, 2009

Current Land System Provides Soil for Corruption

The CCP Central Party School’s newspaper, Study Times, recently republished an article on the current policies on  land usage. Today in China, people know that the government’s income comes largely from charges based on the state owned land. Most countries in the world create value out of utilizing land, such as producing high quality agriculture products. Indirect and sustainable creation of the national value based on land reflects the true value of land. In China, land is now more of a “private” stock item for real estate resale. The simple relationship between some government officials and real estate developers provides soil for corruption. The people believe it is the system and the policies that caused the situation.

Source: Study Times, December 21, 2009

Six Aspects of 2010 Policies toward Ethnic Minorities

Yang Jin, Director of State Ethnic Affairs Commission, recently delivered a speech on six aspects of the 2010 work plan of the Commission: (1) Earnestly deliver on the duties of supervision and policy recommendations; (2) Improve the mechanism for implementing laws and policies relating to ethnic minorities, especially in cities; (3) Significantly widen the scope of publicity and education work; (4) Carefully resolve conflicts in Tibet and Xinjiang to maintain stability; (5) Enhance research and communication to play a better assisting role for the Party Central Committee, the State Council and below; (6) Enhance the work on building the talent pool of ethnic minorities to provide a reliable base for organizational growth.

Source: Xinhua, December 23, 2009

Renewed China-France Relationship for Fundamental Interests

Major Chinese news portal Sohu recently republished an article by Outlook Weekly, a magazine by Xinhua, about French Premier Francois Fillon’s visit to China. The article reported that Mr. Fillon was happy when he returned to Paris before Christmas with several “major deals.” It also declared the downturen of the relationship between the two countries started in 2008, when France “interfered” with Chinese internal affairs. During Fillon’s visit, he met with Hu Jingtao and Wen Jiabao, who agreed to the continuation of the China-France “strategic partnership.” The Chinese government however dismissed the French position which was that, “China should understand that France has a long standing tradition of freedom of speech.”

Source: Sohu, December 29, 2009

Xinhua Signed Agreement with China Petrochemical

Xinhua News Agency signed a Strategic Cooperation Framework Agreement with China Petrochemical Corporation (aka. Sinopec Group) on December 29. In the agreement China Petrochemical signed up for the “Xinhua 08” service platform, which is a financial information and trade services system that Xinhua developed. The system integrates real time news, market quotes, historic data, research tools, analytical models and financial trade into one platform. Xinhua News Agency defines its mission as “guiding” domestic public opinion and “positively influencing” international public opinion. This new agreement is the first step in an expansion of the agency’s traditional business scope to include the information services area.

Source: Xinhua, December 29, 2009

CNNIC: 13,175 “Bad” Domain Names Blocked

China Internet Network Information Center (CNNIC) announced on December 28 that a total of 13,175 domain names have been banned since the government-run Internet rectification movement started on December 9. CNNIC is currently checking nearly 14 million registered .cn domain names manually. So far, the work on 2 million names has been completed. This latest round of the Internet rectification movement is mainly sponsored by the Ministry of Public Safety, in the name of fighting against pornography and illegal publications.

Source: Xinhua, December 29, 2009

Founding of the China Network Television (CNTV)

The state-owned Chinese Central Television (CCTV) is officially entering the Internet video market. CCTV formed an online TV platform under the name of  

The platform focuses on interactive audio/video services with global, multilingual, and multi-terminal support. CCTV is currently improving global mirroring. Major Chinese private video service providers intend to avoid direct competition against CNTV, citing its ownership by the Communist regime.  

It is well known that the primary business obstacle in the Chinese online video market is the violation of copyrights. 

Source: CBN, December 24, 2009